Разделы презентаций

In the charts!

Good day!-How are you?- Me too.We are going to talk about Past Simple and Present Perfect, forms of adjectives ending in –ful,-less, the phrasal verb “turn” and about our music preferences.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1In the charts!
На вершинах рейтинга.Form7
Module 7

In the charts!На вершинах рейтинга.Form7Module 7

Слайд 2Good day!
-How are you?
- Me too.
We are going to talk

about Past Simple and Present Perfect, forms of adjectives ending

in –ful,-less, the phrasal verb “turn” and about our music preferences.
Good day!-How are you?- Me too.We are going to talk about Past Simple and Present Perfect, forms

Слайд 3Present Perfect or Past Simple
I have already read this book.

read this book last year.

Present Perfect or Past SimpleI have already read this book.I read this book last year.

Слайд 4Past Simple or Present Perfect
1) Она написала сочинение вчера. 2)

В среду они написали сочинение. 3) Ты прочитал эту книгу?

4) Я уже читала эту книгу.5) Мы читали эту книгу 2 года назад.6) Мама читала мне эту книгу, когда я был маленький.7) Они еще не посетили выставку.8) Они не посещали выставку на прошлой неделе.
Past Simple or Present Perfect1) Она написала сочинение вчера. 2) В среду они написали сочинение. 3) Ты

Слайд 5Phrasal verb “turn”
1)A few weeks later winter turned into/off spring.

2)Jake turned on/in his computer and checked his mail. 3)Turn

into/off the gas, the milk is boiling over. 4) Come on guys, it’s time to turn in / into.
Phrasal verb “turn”1)A few weeks later winter turned into/off spring. 2)Jake turned on/in his computer and checked

Слайд 6Phrasal verb “turn”
1)I’m going to… a beast. 2) He tried

to… the light again but he couldn’t.3) I think I’ll…

early tonight. 4) Don’t forget to… the lights…when you leave.
Phrasal verb “turn”1)I’m going to… a beast. 2) He tried to… the light again but he couldn’t.3)

Слайд 7Home task (ДЗ)
Выполнить упр 6, стр 70 письменно и прслать

на почту учителя

Home task (ДЗ)Выполнить упр 6, стр 70 письменно и прслать на почту учителяalekhina.liuda@yandex.ru

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