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International Women’s Day

The 8 – th of March Day is International Women’s Day.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

Слайд 2The 8 – th of March Day is International Women’s


The 8 – th of March Day is International Women’s Day.

Слайд 3

This holiday is celebrated by the Organization of United Nations.

This holiday is celebrated by the Organization of United Nations.

Слайд 4But in some countries this is the national holiday.

But in some countries this is the national holiday.

Слайд 5In 1910 in Copenhagen second International Conference of Working Women

took place.

In 1910 in Copenhagen second International Conference of Working Women took place.

Слайд 6Clara Zetkin , the leader of women’s group of Sotial

Democratic Party, gave an idea of celebrating International Women’s Day.

Clara Zetkin , the leader of women’s group of Sotial Democratic Party, gave an idea of celebrating

Слайд 7She suggested to celebrate this holiday every year in each

country at the same day.

She suggested to celebrate this holiday every year in each country at the same day.

Слайд 8The aim of this holiday was fight for women’s right.

The aim of this holiday was fight for women’s right.

Слайд 9In this day women from all continents gathered together and

remembered about the tradition that symbolized the fight for peace,

juistice and development.
In this day women from all continents gathered together and remembered about the tradition that symbolized the

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