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iphone 5

ADVANTAGES iPhone 51. He bendsAt first it seemed a myth and a lie. But ardent fans of the arguments that any phone can be bent, turned out to be just empty

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Слайд 1iphone 5

iphone 5

Слайд 2ADVANTAGES iPhone 5
1. He bends

At first it seemed a myth

and a lie. But ardent fans of the arguments that

any phone can be bent, turned out to be just empty words. The fact that the phone still has a "gymnastic" properties, proven hundreds of videos on the network. And this is not surprising, because the thickness of the device, with such dimensions, is only 6.9 mm.

2. The projection camera

Unlike their predecessors IPhone 4, IPhone 5 to 6 reduced the thickness of the device (as has been said), but it did not happen bezposledstvenno. the camera is affected by reducing the thickness of the device. No, the picture quality is not deteriorated, on the contrary, has improved (it is, by the way). But in terms of design decisions, the company gave a blunder. It is due to the absence of Steve Jobs ?. Camera iPhone acts on the body and has a rim that is by no means enter into the organic design of the phone.

3. biting rates

The price of an iPhone 6 starts at 14 thousand. UAH and above. Expensive or not, a subjective opinion and debate does not make sense. But in fairness it is worth noting that for a similar amount you can buy the machine is no worse than IPhone, and even with the best technical characteristics.

 But, in spite of some shortcomings of this product is to list the advantages and iPhone 6.

1.Udobny interface and set of messages.

2.Nadezhny efficient processor

3.Dlitelnaya Battery

4.Good sound

ADVANTAGES iPhone 51. He bendsAt first it seemed a myth and a lie. But ardent fans of

Слайд 3Buy IPhone or not, the choice is yours. As they

say "The taste and color ..." But summing up the

above, we can conclude a special advantage we did not find iPhone over other phones. For similar money, you can buy the phone, no way inferior to the characteristics of this unit.

Thank you for your attention

Buy IPhone or not, the choice is yours. As they say

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