Разделы презентаций

IT'S THE SAMURAI WAY Japanese principles of leadership and management


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1IT'S THE
Japanese principles of leadership and management

IT'S THESAMURAI WAYJapanese principles of leadership and management



Слайд 3The principles of the HONDA

The principles of the HONDA

Слайд 4“If you hire only those people you understand, the company

will never get people better than you are..

“If you hire only those people you understand, the company will never get people better than you

Слайд 53 principles of personnel management
Fostering mutual trust
Ensuring fairness
Respecting independence

3 principles of personnel managementFostering mutual trustEnsuring fairnessRespecting independence

Слайд 6Associate relations policies
Respecting individual human rights
No discriminations
Complying with laws and

Creating an environment of free, open-minded dialogue
A work with a

sense of security
Associate relations policiesRespecting individual human rightsNo discriminationsComplying with laws and ordinancesCreating an environment of free, open-minded dialogueA

Слайд 7The principles of the TOYOTA

The principles of the TOYOTA

Слайд 814 principles of THE TOYOTA WAY

14 principles of THE TOYOTA WAY

Слайд 9Long-Term philosophy
А long-term philosophy is more important than short-term financial goals

Long-Term philosophyА long-term philosophy is more important than  short-term financial goals

Слайд 10The right process will produce the right results
Create a continuous

process flow
Use “pull” systems to avoid overproduction
Work like the tortoise,

not the hare

Build a culture of stopping to get quality right the first time

The right process will produce the right resultsCreate a continuous process flowUse “pull” systems to avoid overproductionWork

Слайд 11The right process will produce the right results
Use visual control

so no problems are hidden
Standardized tasks are the foundation for

continuous improvement

Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology

The right process will produce the right resultsUse visual control so no problems are hiddenStandardized tasks are

Слайд 12Add value to the organization by developing your people
Develop people

who follow your company’s philosophy
Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the

work and teach it to others

Respect network of partners and suppliers

Add value to the organization by developing your peopleDevelop people who follow your company’s philosophyGrow leaders who

Слайд 13Solving root problems drives organizational learning
Go and see for yourself to

understand the situation
Make decisions slowly - implement decisions rapidly
Learn through

relentless reflection and continuous improvement
Solving root problems drives organizational learningGo and see for yourself to understand the situationMake decisions slowly -

Слайд 14The principles of the SONY

The principles of the SONY

Слайд 15D


Слайд 16Rules for building a company
Rule 1: a company is a

Rule 2: every employee must contribute to the company
Rule 3:

it is necessary to stimulate the creativity of employees
Rules for building a companyRule 1: a company is a familyRule 2: every employee must contribute to

Слайд 17National features +
globalization = Modern Japanese company

National features + globalization = Modern Japanese company

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