Разделы презентаций

Job hunting

You will know Where you can find a job How to create a CV How to write a cover letter How to successfully pass an interview

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Job hunting
Nasedkina Polina Sergeevna
Job interview

Job huntingNasedkina Polina SergeevnaJob interview

Слайд 2You will know
Where you can find a job

to create a CV
How to write a cover letter

How to successfully pass an interview
You will know Where you can find a job How to create a CV How to write

Слайд 3Where you can find a job
To find a job, you

can visit russian sites such as HeadHunter.ru, SuperJob.ru, Rabota.ru and

others. If you want to find a job abroad of Russia, you can also visit this sites: Indeed.com, Jobs.TheGuardian.com, Jooble.org. There you should enter the name of your dream job and find a suitable vacancy :
Where you can find a jobTo find a job, you can visit russian sites such as HeadHunter.ru,

Слайд 4Where you can find a job
So, I found a vacancy

that I liked:
Suits on my requirements
Good salary

Where you can find a jobSo, I found a vacancy that I liked: Interesting Suits on my

Слайд 5How to create a CV
The target of making the CV

is to receive an invitation to a job interview. Customize

your CV for a specific vacancy.
Add to your CV:
your name and surname
contact information
career objective
work experience
education and courses
How to create a CVThe target of making the CV is to receive an invitation to a

Слайд 6How to create a CV
Add your «hard skills» and

«soft skills»;
Indicate the full name of educational institution and

Indicate your knowledge of a foreign language only if you have a confirmation certificate.


Use the strange name of your e-mail;
Make grammar mistakes;
Indicate achievements that are not related to the vacancy;
Make your CV too big.

How to create a CVDO Add your «hard skills» and «soft skills»; Indicate the full name of

Слайд 7How to write a cover letter
Cover letter is an announcement

of your CV. It is very important to attach it.

of a cover letter:
Topic: full name, country, contact information, date
Greeting, career objective
Why exactly you: your experience, 1 hard and 1 soft skill, achievements
Motivation: why do you want this job
Farewell, gratitude, contact information
How to write a  cover letterCover letter is an announcement of your CV. It is very

Слайд 8you are invited! What to do now?
Now you should prepare

for a job interview. Let’s see how to successfully pass

The main thing: you shouldn’t try to guess the correct answers, you should be just an interesting conversationalist.
you are invited! What to do now?Now you should prepare for a job interview. Let’s see how

Слайд 9Job interview
Think over your speech in advance;

natural and friendly;
Show your interest in this job;

about your knowledge and skills that will be useful to the employer.


Be late;
Come in a bad shape;
Read your CV;
Talk about your failures.

Job interviewDO Think over your speech in advance; Relax; Be natural and friendly; Show your interest in

Слайд 10Thank you for your attention!
Presentation prepared by Nasedkina Polina Sergeevna.

Thank you for your attention!Presentation prepared by Nasedkina Polina Sergeevna.

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