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Journalists and media outlets

Famous journalists in RussiaVladimir Vladimirovich PoznerBorn in Paris on 1 april 1934.Soviet, Russian and American journalist and television presenter, radio host, first president of the Academy of Russian Television (1994-2008), writer.

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Слайд 1Journalists and media outlets
Поперечнюк Анастасия

Journalists and media outletsВыполнила:Поперечнюк АнастасияЖ/б-18-1-о

Слайд 2Famous journalists in Russia
Vladimir Vladimirovich Pozner
Born in Paris on 1

april 1934.
Soviet, Russian and American journalist and television presenter, radio

host, first president of the Academy of Russian Television (1994-2008), writer. He leads the author's program "Posner" on the "First Channel".
Now he have a program on TV and internet - «Pozner».
Famous journalists in RussiaVladimir Vladimirovich PoznerBorn in Paris on 1 april 1934.Soviet, Russian and American journalist and

Слайд 3Journalist Artem Borovik
Born on September 13, 1960, Moscow - March

9, 2000 - Russian journalist, president of the Top Secret

publishing company.
From 1966 to 1972 he lived in New York, where his father worked as a correspondent for the Novosti Press Agency and Literaturnaya Gazeta. He studied at the 45th school (Milgram school). He graduated from the faculty of international journalism at MGIMO.

He worked as a journalist in various Soviet publications, including in the newspaper Sovetskaya Rossiya and in the magazine Ogonyok (1987-1991), on the instructions of which he traveled to Afghanistan several times. The author of the book "Hidden War" dedicated to the war in Afghanistan. In 1988, he served for some time in the US Army (at Fort Benning) as part of an experiment in which a Soviet journalist was sent to the American army and an American to the Soviet. About his army experience, he wrote the book “How I Was a Soldier of the American Army”.

Artyom Borovik died on March 9, 2000 as a result of a plane crash, when the Yak-40 plane crashing on a Moscow-Kiev flight, on board which was also the head of the Alliance Group company Zia Bazhaev.

Слайд 4Thanks for attention!

Thanks for attention!

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