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Apple is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Cupertino, California, that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software and personal computers.

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Слайд 3Apple is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Cupertino, California, that designs, develops, and sells consumer

electronics, computer software and personal computers.

Apple is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Cupertino, California, that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software and personal computers.

Слайд 4Its best-known hardware products are the Mac line of computers, the iPod music player,the iPhone smartphone,

and the iPad tablet computer. Its consumer software includes the OSX systems, the

iTunes media browser, the Safari web browser, the iLife and iWork
creativity and productivity suites.
Its best-known hardware products are the Mac line of computers, the iPod music player,the iPhone smartphone, and the iPad tablet computer. Its consumer software includes

Слайд 5Apple is the world's second-largest information technology company by revenue after Samsung Electronics,

and the world's third-largest mobile phone maker after Samsung and Nokia.

Apple is the world's second-largest information technology company by revenue after Samsung Electronics, and the world's third-largest mobile phone maker after Samsung and Nokia.

Слайд 6Fortune magazine named Apple the most admired company in the United

States in 2008, and in the world from 2008 to

2012. On September 30, 2013, Apple surpassed Coca-Cola to become the world's most valuable brand in theOmnicom Group's "Best Global Brands" report. However, the company has received criticism for its contractors' labor practices, and for Apple's own environmental and business practices.
Fortune magazine named Apple the most admired company in the United States in 2008, and in the world

Слайд 7Apple was established on April 1, 1976, by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald

Wayne to sell the Apple I personal computer kit, a computer single

handedly designed by Wozniak. The kits were hand-built by Wozniak and first shown to the public at the Homebrew Computer Club.
Apple was established on April 1, 1976, by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne to sell the Apple I personal computer kit,

Слайд 8Corporate culture
Apple was one of several highly successful companies founded

in the 1970s that bucked the traditional notions of what

a corporate culture should look like in organizational hierarchy (flat versus tall, casual versus formal attire).
Corporate cultureApple was one of several highly successful companies founded in the 1970s that bucked the traditional

Слайд 9Other highly successful firms with similar cultural aspects from the

same period include Southwest Airlines and Microsoft. Originally, the company stood in opposition

to staid competitors like IBM by default, thanks to the influence of its founders; Steve Jobs often walked around the office barefoot even after Apple was a Fortune 500 company.
Other highly successful firms with similar cultural aspects from the same period include Southwest Airlines and Microsoft. Originally, the company

Слайд 10Apple has been a participant in various legal proceedings and

claims since it began operation and, like its competitors and

peers, engages in litigation (trying legal cases before the courts) in its normal course of business for a variety of reasons. In particular, Apple is known for and promotes itself as actively and aggressively enforcing its intellectual property interests.


Apple has been a participant in various legal proceedings and claims since it began operation and, like

Слайд 11Finance
In its fiscal year ending in September 2011, Apple Inc.

reported a total of $108 billion in annual revenues –

a significant increase from its 2010 revenues of $65 billion – and nearly $82 billion in cash reserves.
FinanceIn its fiscal year ending in September 2011, Apple Inc. reported a total of $108 billion in

Слайд 12Apple's brand loyalty is considered unusual for any product. At one time, Apple

evangelists were actively engaged by the company, but this was after

the phenomenon was already firmly established.
Apple's brand loyalty is considered unusual for any product. At one time, Apple evangelists were actively engaged by the company, but

Слайд 13Apple evangelist Guy Kawasaki has called the brand fanaticism "something that was

stumbled upon". Apple has, however, supported the continuing existence of

a network of Mac User Groups in most major and many minor centers of population where Mac computers are available.
Apple evangelist Guy Kawasaki has called the brand fanaticism

Слайд 14Apple Store openings can draw crowds of thousands, with some waiting

in line as much as a day before the opening

or flying in from other countries for the event.
Apple Store openings can draw crowds of thousands, with some waiting in line as much as a day

Слайд 15Google is an American multinational corporation specializing in Internet-related services

and products. These include online advertising technologies, search, cloud computing,

and software. Most of its profits are derived from AdWords.
Google is an American multinational corporation specializing in Internet-related services and products. These include online advertising technologies,

Слайд 16Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while

they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University. Together they own

about 14 percent of its shares but control 56 of the stockholder voting power through supervoting stock.
Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University.

Слайд 17They incorporated Google as a privately held company on September

4, 1998. An initial public offering followed on August 19,

They incorporated Google as a privately held company on September 4, 1998. An initial public offering followed

Слайд 18Its mission statement from the outset was "to organize the

world's information and make it universally accessible and useful,"and its

unofficial slogan was "Don't be evil." In 2004, Google moved to its new headquarters in Mountain View, California, nicknamed the Googleplex.
Its mission statement from the outset was

Слайд 19Rapid growth since incorporation has triggered a chain of products,

acquisitions and partnerships beyond Google's core search engine.

Rapid growth since incorporation has triggered a chain of products, acquisitions and partnerships beyond Google's core search

Слайд 20It offers online productivity software including email (Gmail), a cloud

storage service (Google Drive), an office suite (Google Docs) and

a social networking service (Google+). Desktop products include applications for web browsing, organizing and editing photos, and instant messaging.
It offers online productivity software including email (Gmail), a cloud storage service (Google Drive), an office suite

Слайд 21Thanks for your attention!!!

Thanks for your attention!!!

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