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Lecture 5 the UK

PlanThe British Empire and Victorian EnglandThe Two World WarsThe Postwar

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Lecture 5 the UK
Ph.D. Vashchenko E.A.

Lecture 5 the UKPh.D. Vashchenko E.A.

Слайд 2Plan
The British Empire and Victorian England
The Two World Wars
The Postwar

PlanThe British Empire and Victorian EnglandThe Two World WarsThe Postwar

Слайд 3Victorian Period
William IV (liver disease) – 1837
18 year old niece

Victoria (1819-1901)
Lord Melbourne
Her cousin Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
The Great Exhibition

(the 1st World Fair) – 1851 – South Kensington Museum – renamed the Victoria and Albert Museum
The Opium Wars (with China)
The Boer Wars (with the Dutch speaking settlers of South Africa)
1854 – the Crimean War – on the side of the Ottoman Empire against Russia
Florence Nightingale – improvement of the women’s conditions
Victorian PeriodWilliam IV (liver disease) – 183718 year old niece Victoria (1819-1901)Lord MelbourneHer cousin Prince Albert of

Слайд 4Victorian Period
Albert dies in 1861 – 42
John Brown

Benjamin Disraeli

and William Ewart Gladstone
Gladstone – universal education and universal suffrage



Victorian PeriodAlbert dies in 1861 – 42John Brown Benjamin Disraeli and William Ewart GladstoneGladstone – universal education

Слайд 5The two world wars
“grandmother of Europe”
The Great War (WWI) –

The Labour Party
The General Strike – 1926

1936 – Edward

VII – Wallis Simpson
George VI
The two world wars“grandmother of Europe”The Great War (WWI) – 1914-1918The Labour Party The General Strike –

Слайд 6The second world war
Nazi Germany
After the invasion of Poland in

September 1939
Winston Churchill - 1940

The second world warNazi GermanyAfter the invasion of Poland in September 1939Winston Churchill - 1940

Слайд 7The postwar
1945 – bankrupt
India and Pakistan on 1947
To the Asian,

African and Carribean colonies in the 50s-80s
The British Commonwealth

of Nations – 53 states – 1.8 billion people

The postwar1945 – bankruptIndia and Pakistan on 1947To the Asian, African and Carribean colonies in the 50s-80s

Слайд 8Elizabeth II
B. 1926
60s – pop and rock music
70s – oil

Margaret Thatcher – 1979 – 1990 – the Iron Lady

1997 – Tony Blair

Elizabeth II1952B. 192660s – pop and rock music70s – oil crisisMargaret Thatcher – 1979 – 1990 –

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