Разделы презентаций

Legal Status of Individuals

Law in Kazakhstan by Dr. Zhenis KembayevLegal Status of IndividualsHuman rights and freedoms belong to everyone by virtue of birthForeigners and stateless persons have the same rights and responsibilities as citizens

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Слайд 1Law in Kazakhstan by Dr. Zhenis Kembayev
Legal Status of Individuals

Status of an Individual is defined by:

Constitutional rights and freedoms

Personal Rights;
Political Rights;
Social, Economic and Cultural Rights.


Constitutional Obligations.
Law in Kazakhstan by Dr. Zhenis KembayevLegal Status of IndividualsLegal Status of an Individual is defined by:Constitutional

Слайд 2Law in Kazakhstan by Dr. Zhenis Kembayev
Legal Status of Individuals

rights and freedoms belong to everyone by virtue of birth


and stateless persons have the same rights and responsibilities as citizens of Kazakhstan except for political rights and responsibilities.

Human rights and freedoms may be limited by laws to the extent necessary for protection of:

constitutional system,
defense of the public order,
human rights and freedoms,
health and morality of the population,
interethnic concord.

Law in Kazakhstan by Dr. Zhenis KembayevLegal Status of IndividualsHuman rights and freedoms belong to everyone by

Слайд 3Law in Kazakhstan by Dr. Zhenis Kembayev
Personal Rights
Right to life;


to freedom and dignity;

Right to equality and non-discrimination.

Right to inviolability

of private life and housing;

Right to use native language and culture;

Right to freedom of speech and creative activities;

Rights to freely receive and disseminate information;

Right to freely move and freely choose a place of residence;

Right to freedom of conscience;

Right to protect rights and freedoms (including the right to self-defense; to judicial defense and to qualified legal assistance);
Law in Kazakhstan by Dr. Zhenis KembayevPersonal RightsRight to life;Right to freedom and dignity;Right to equality and

Слайд 4Law in Kazakhstan by Dr. Zhenis Kembayev
Political Rights

Right to freedom

of forming associations.

Right to assemble, to hold meetings and


Right to elect and be elected into state bodies

Right to participate in an all-nation referendum.

Right to serve in a state office.

Right to address appeals to state bodies.

Right to protection and patronage by RK outside its boundaries.
Law in Kazakhstan by Dr. Zhenis KembayevPolitical RightsRight to freedom of forming associations. Right to assemble, to

Слайд 5Law in Kazakhstan by Dr. Zhenis Kembayev
Economic Rights
Labor Rights
Right to

freedom of labor, and the free choice of occupation and


Right to safe and hygienic working conditions.

Right to just remuneration for labor without discrimination.

Right to individual and collective labor disputes including the right to strike.

Right to rest.

Right to property, including the right of inheritance.

Right to freedom of entrepreneurial activity.

Law in Kazakhstan by Dr. Zhenis KembayevEconomic RightsLabor RightsRight to freedom of labor, and the free choice

Слайд 6Law in Kazakhstan by Dr. Zhenis Kembayev
Social and Cultural Rights

to education

Right to protection of health and to free,

guaranteed, extensive medical assistance.

Right to a minimum wage and pension, and guaranteed social security payments.

Right to housing.

Right to protection of marriage and family.

Right to care of children and their upbringing.

Right to the environment favorable for the life and health.
Law in Kazakhstan by Dr. Zhenis KembayevSocial and Cultural RightsRight to education Right to protection of health

Слайд 7Law in Kazakhstan by Dr. Zhenis Kembayev
Constitutional Obligations

Everyone must observe

the Constitution, legislation of the RK and respect the rights

and freedoms of other persons.

Everyone must respect the state symbols of the Republic.

Everyone must pay legally established taxes, fees and other obligatory payments.

Citizens have a sacred duty to defend the Republic.

Citizens of the RK must care for the protection of historical and cultural heritage, and preserve monuments of history and culture.

Citizens of the RK must preserve nature and protect natural resources.

Also Constitution provides that:
Able-bodied children of age must take care of their disabled parents.

Secondary education is obligatory.

Law in Kazakhstan by Dr. Zhenis KembayevConstitutional ObligationsEveryone must observe the Constitution, legislation of the RK and

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