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Lemma of force translation to a parallel position

The force applied at the point O of a rigid body is equivalent to the same force applied at the another point of the body and couple with the moment equal

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Задача: осуществить параллельный перенос силы F в точку О, не

изменяя состояние тела
Уравновешенная система сил может быть приложена к телу

без изменения его состояния. Выберем систему (Q,Q’) такую, что Q=-Q’=F

Совокупность (Q’,F) образует пару сил, которая полностью характеризуется моментом

Lemma of force translation to a parallel position

Полученная система (Q,M) эквивалентна исходной

Задача: осуществить параллельный перенос силы F в точку О, не изменяя состояние телаУравновешенная система сил может быть

Слайд 2 The force applied at the point O of a rigid

body is equivalent to the same force applied at the

another point of the body and couple with the moment equal to the moment of the original force with respect to the new center

Lemma of force translation to a parallel position

The force applied at the point O of a rigid body is equivalent to the same force

Слайд 3Total vector and total moment
The vector sum of the system

forces is called total vector

The vector sum of moments of

forces about a given center is called total moment about the center O

Total vector and total momentThe vector sum of the system forces is called total vectorThe vector sum

Слайд 5The simplest equivalent of general force system (Основная теорема статики)

Theorem. General force system applied to a rigid body is

equivalent to a set of two elements: a force and a couple. The force is equal to the total vector and is applied at the arbitrary chosen center. The couple has vector moment equal to the total moment of original force system about chosen center.
The simplest equivalent of  general force system  (Основная теорема статики) 		Theorem. General force system applied

Слайд 6Force system reduction to one force and one couple

Force system reduction to  one force and one couple

Слайд 7Force system reduction to one force and one couple (continue)

is couple,

Force system reduction to  one force and one couple (continue) is couple,

Слайд 8Force system reduction to one force and one couple (continue)

Force system reduction to  one force and one couple (continue)

Слайд 9Total vector and total moment dependence on the center of

reduction position
For any chosen reduction center, the total vector

is equal to the vector sum of the system forces. So the total vector is independent of the reduction center position, i.e. the total vector is invariant with respect to the center of reduction.
Total vector and total moment dependence on  the center of reduction position 	For any chosen reduction

Слайд 11 If the reduction center is changed the total moment of

the system is the sum of two components: original moment

about center O and moment of the total vector applied at the initial center O about the new center O1
If the reduction center is changed the total moment of the system is the sum of two

Слайд 12Conditions of Equilibrium for general force system
Force system is

equivalent to zero (balanced) if its total vector is zero

and total moment about chosen center O is zero:
Conditions of Equilibrium for general force system 		Force system is equivalent to zero (balanced) if its total

Слайд 14Special force systems conditions of equilibrium

Special force systems conditions of equilibrium

Слайд 15Bodies system equilibrium
Bodies systems (or structures) analyzed in

our course are subdivided on:
Sets of bodies that simply supported.

that are engineering structures designed to support loads, frames are usually stationary fully constrained structures.
Machines that are engineering structures designed to transmit and modify forces and are structures containing moving parts.
Bodies system equilibrium  Bodies systems (or structures) analyzed in our course are subdivided on:Sets of bodies

Слайд 16 1 2


Examples of structures

1				2			     3

Слайд 17Method of section
Divide the system of bodies onto the parts

by destroying (sectioning) the internal constraints between the bodies of

the system.
Form FBD for each part of the system. For each adjacent part at the section apply the reactions corresponded to the type of the destroyed constraint. The direction you choose for each of the internal force components exerted on the first part is arbitrary, but you must apply equal and opposite force components of the same name to the other parts.
For each part write the equilibrium conditions taking into consideration all forces acting on the part with including reactions of destroyed internal constraints.
Analyze the statically determinacy of the problem. For the structure consisting of n members under the action of general coplanar force system it is possible to form 3n independent equations of equilibrium. If the total number of unknowns is no more than the number of independent equations (3n) the problem is statically determinate and can be solved by the methods of statics.
Solve these 3n equations as a system; check the accuracy of your solution using the equilibrium conditions for the structure as a whole.
Method of sectionDivide the system of bodies onto the parts by destroying (sectioning) the internal constraints between

Слайд 18Statics invariants
Total vector is independent from the center of reduction

position, i.e. total vector is invariant with respect to the

center of reduction and so the total vector magnitude is called the first statics invariant.

Statics invariantsTotal vector is independent from the center of reduction position, i.e. total vector is invariant with

Слайд 19
What is the second invariant of statics?

Since for any reduction

center the total vector is the same

, the equality means the following: for a general force system the projection of the total moment onto the line of action of the total vector is constant at any reduction center.

What is the second invariant of statics?Since for any reduction center the total vector is the same

Слайд 20So the dot product of total vector and total moment

is called the second statics invariant.

So the dot product of total vector and total moment is called the second statics invariant.

Слайд 21Further reduction of a force system

Further reduction of a force system

Слайд 22WRENCH
The set of a force and a couple with the

couple moment parallel to the force is called wrench.

WRENCH	The set of a force and a couple with the couple moment parallel to the force is

Слайд 23WRENCHES right and left

WRENCHES right and left

Слайд 24Equation of wrench line of action

Equation of wrench line of action

Слайд 26Equation of resultant line of action

Equation of resultant line of action

Слайд 27Further reduction of a force system

Further reduction of a force system

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