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Leonardo Da Vinci

The brief introduction about Leonardo Leonardo was the son of Ser Piero da Vinci, a lawyer from Florence, and his mother, Catharina, was of humble birth and unmarried. He

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Слайд 1 Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci

Слайд 2

The brief introduction about Leonardo

Leonardo was the

son of Ser Piero da Vinci, a lawyer from Florence,

and his mother, Catharina, was of humble birth and unmarried. He is the bastard child of a respected notary and a poor farmer's daughter. He lives in his father's house, while his mother is left to marry a man of her own class.
Because of his illegitimate status, he cannot even take his father's name. He is known as Leonardo "from Vinci".
His family will spend no money on his formal education.

The brief introduction about Leonardo Leonardo was the son of Ser Piero da Vinci, a

Слайд 3
In 1468, when Leonardo is

16, his father sends him to Andreadel Verrocchio, a highly

regarded Florentine artist.

Verrocchio agrees to take Leonardo as an apprentice, to give him the experience he needs to one day gain admittance to a guild. Here Leonardo first comes to understand the connection between art and power. The Medici, the ruling family of Florence, often commission paintings from Verrocchio.
In 1468, when Leonardo is 16, his father sends him to Andreadel

Слайд 4 Leonardo studies the cola grande, or great hoist,

which will lift heavy objects to the peak of the

dome, and the swiveling crane of the top. This early exposure to mechanical engineering will have great influence on his later inventions.
Verrocchio and his students are invited to bring their best work to the Medici Palace, to prepare for a visit from the influential Duke of Milan.

Leonardo studies the cola grande, or great hoist, which will lift heavy objects to the

Слайд 5 Leonardo is now twenty. He completes his apprenticeship

and has finally joined the guild as a painter, And

as he works,
Leonardo's reputation grows, even reaching the attention of the Medici family.
Leonardo's first great work emerges. It is considered the oldest surviving Leonardo painting. The angel on the left, far in the corner of Verrocchio's The Baptism of Christ, is only a fragment, a tantalizing glimpse, a genius to come.
Leonardo is now twenty. He completes his apprenticeship and has finally joined the guild as

Слайд 6 In a little more than a decade,

Leonardo da Vince, at age 24, transforms himself from the

bastard son of a notary to a legitimate artist recognized by the Medicis—the most powerful family in Florence.
In a little more than a decade, Leonardo da Vince, at age 24, transforms

Слайд 7 Back in Florence, Da Vince, like everyone else,

is caught up in the tension and anxiety of a

pending war. He begins designing ladders and other devices for defending its scaling walls. As peace at last comes to Florence, Leonardo receives a commission to paint the Adoration of the Magi—an altarpiece for the monastery of San Donato a Scopeto. It is his first important work.

the Adoration of the Magi

Back in Florence, Da Vince, like everyone else, is caught up in the tension and

Слайд 8But Vinci must set aside his excitement about military designs—the

Duke needs a portrait of his mistress—the Lady with an


The first time a portrait shows the sitter's thoughts or feelings through posture and gestures.
But Vinci must set aside his excitement about military designs—the Duke needs a portrait of his mistress—the

Слайд 9 In Milan Leonardo Da Vinci has created some

of his most important work. He spends 17 years in

the court of the Duck Ludovico Sforza, realizing his own dreams of success.

As Leonardo nears the age of 50, the political winds change. Sforza's former ally France abruptly invades Milan. Da Vinci at once loses his patron and his security.

In Milan Leonardo Da Vinci has created some of his most important work. He spends

Слайд 10 Having lost the work of 17 years, a

disheartened Leonardo da Vinci eventually returns to Florence, only to

find himself challenged by a much younger rival, the great artist Michelangelo.
In 1502, da Vinci finds an unlikely opportunity in Pope Alexander and his bastard son, one of the most dreaded tyrants of the age, Cesare Borgia. He is ruthless in his attempt to consolidate his father's empire, hoping to one day claim it as his own. He makes a reputation as a man of extraordinary cruelty, pragmatic, intelligent and deadly.
He was given the title of Chief General Engineer by Borgia.
Having lost the work of 17 years, a disheartened Leonardo da Vinci eventually returns to

Слайд 11
Da vinci leaves the service of Borgia and returns to

Florence and the art of painting, perhaps to explore the

gentler side of human nature.

There he begins the one work for which he will always be remembered. It is called "the Mona Lisa".

Da vinci leaves the service of Borgia and returns to Florence and the art of painting, perhaps

Слайд 12Leonardo's restless mind continues to ponder on the moment of

death and that leads him to master the workings of

the human body itself. In 1507, Leonardo makes history's first description of arteriosclerosis by comparing the circulatory system of the elderly man with that of a child's.
Leonardo's restless mind continues to ponder on the moment of death and that leads him to master

Слайд 13 Toward the end of his life in 1517,

King Francis I of France, a great admirer and collector

of his work invites da Vinci and his two assistants, Salai and Francesco Melzi to live on his royal chateau in Cloux.
The king names Leonardo da Vinci favorite painter, engineer and architect. But at 65, Leonardo's triumphs are behind him. A stroke has paralyzed his right arm and his left hand can no longer paint fine details.
In 1519 after months of failing health, Leonardo da Vinci passes into history.
Toward the end of his life in 1517, King Francis I of France, a great

Слайд 14The Virgin and Child with St. Anne
Virgin of the Rocks

with an Ermine

The Virgin and Child with St. AnneVirgin of the RocksLady with an Ermine

Слайд 15Portrait of Ginevra de' Benci
St. John the Baptist
The Virgin and

Child with St Anne and St John the Baptist

Portrait of Ginevra de' BenciSt. John the BaptistThe Virgin and Child with St Anne and St John

Слайд 16Among the works created by Leonardo in the 1500s it

is the small portrait known as the Mona Lisa, the

laughing one.

The painting is famous, in particular, for the elusive smile on the woman's face, its mysterious quality brought about perhaps by the fact that the artist has subtly shadowed the corners of the mouth and eyes so that the exact nature of the smile cannot be determined.

Mona Lisa

Among the works created by Leonardo in the 1500s it is the small portrait known as the

Слайд 17The painting represents the last meal shared by Jesus with

his disciples before his capture and death.
It shows specifically

the moment when Jesus has said "one of you will betray me".
Leonardo tells the story of the consternation that this statement caused to the twelve followers of Jesus.
The painting represents the last meal shared by Jesus with his disciples before his capture and death.

Слайд 18Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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