Слайд 1lnternational Marketing
Chapter 8
Global Product Decision
Слайд 2
Global Product life cycle
Global product decision
Global brand decision
Слайд 3
A. Product
Product: Anything that can be offered to a market
for attention,acquisition,use,or consumption that might satisfy a wants and needs.
Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything.
Global products meet the needs of a global market and is offered in all world regions
Слайд 4Size of the product
Color(s) of product
Scent of the product
Materials/ composition
of the product
Design of the product
Packaging materials
Package colors and package
Brand name
Availability of options
Customizing services
After-sale service offerings
Inventory levels
Слайд 5International product life cycle
All products and services have
certain life cycles. The life cycle refers to the period
from the product’s first launch into the market until its final withdrawal and it is splitup in phases.
During this period significant changes are made in the way that the product is behaving into the market.
Слайд 6
Слайд 71. Introduction
Large expenditure on promotion and advertising is common, and
quick but costly service requirements are introduced. A company must
be prepared to spent a lot of money and get only a small proportion of that back.
In this phase distribution arrangements are introduced. Having the product in every counter is very important and is regarded as an impossible challenge.
Слайд 8Product pricing usually follows one or two well structured strategies.
Early customers will pay a lot for something new and
this will help a bit to minimize that sinkhole that was mentioned earlier.
Later the pricing policy should be more aggressive so that the product can become competitive.
International competition is usually nonexistent during the introduction stage.but in growth stage .competitors in developed markets begin to
copy the product.
Слайд 92.Growth
This is the appropriate timing to focus on
increasing the market share. The company must show all the
products offerings and try to differentiate them from the competitors ones.
Promotion and advertising continues.
Слайд 10C.Maturity
This period is the period of the highest returns from
the product. A company that has achieved its market share
goal enjoys the most profitable period.
During this period new brands are introduced even when they compete with the company’s existing product and model changes are more frequent.
Слайд 11Pricing and discount policies are often changed in relation to
the competition policies
i.e. pricing moves up and down accordingly with
the competitors one and sales and coupons are introduced in the case of consumer products.
Promotion and advertisingrelocates from the scope of getting new customers, to the scope of product differentiation in terms of quality and reliability.
Слайд 12D. Decline
Sometimes it is difficult for a company to conceptualize
the decline signals of a product. Usually a product decline
is accompanied with a decline of market sales.
The prices must be kept competitive and promotion should be pulled back at a level that will make the product presence visible and at the same time retain the “loyal” customer.
Слайд 15 International product life cycle has important implications for
a company’s product planning.
FIRST, it shows the product lines
where, because of the pressure of international competition, the established manufacturers no longer can hold the fort.
For example, Japan once the largest exporter of cotton textiles is now importing large quantities of it. The USA once used to export large number of bicycles. Now, it is one of the largest importers.
Слайд 16 SECOND. product life cycle plays an important part
in developing new market .Products which in the fourth stage
of the life cycle, namely, the ‘decline’ stage. The only way to decelerate the process of decline is to innovate new products or find new market.
Because product lift cycle is differ from countries. Company can seek new market in some other countries.
Слайд 19B. Global product decision
Standardization Adaptation
Слайд 201. Product standardization
Factors encouraging standardisation are:
economies of scale in production and
manufacturing costs and
Lower input costs.
ii) consumer mobility: the more consumers
travel the more is the demand
iii) technology
iv) image. Enhance consumer perceptions of
global brand
Слайд 222. Product adaptation
Factors encouraging adaptation are:
i) Differing usage conditions.
These may be due to climate, skills, level of literacy,
culture or physical conditions. Maize
ii) Financial considerations. In order to maximise sales or profits the organisation may have no choice but to adapt its products to local conditions.
Слайд 23
iii) Pressure. suppliers are forced to adapt to the rules
and regulations imposed on them if they wish to enter
into the market.eg. health requirements
Changes in design are largely dictated by whether they would improve the prospects of greater sales, and this, over the accompanying costs. Changes in design are also subject to cultural pressures. The more culture-bound the product is, for example food, the more adaptation is necessary.
Слайд 24Global localization
Globalized but localized
Global business is moving towards what
has been called “mass customization”. New technology will aid in
the development, with new production process such as additive manufacturing which will make mass customization truly
economically viable.
Слайд 26 KFC is a great example of successful glocalization.
While KFC retain its core Kentucky fried chicken concept as
a global product platform – in China, it has successfully localized its product portfolio (i.e., its menu).
KFC’s menu contains many items tailored to the Chinese consumer palate and it has paid .
Слайд 29Apple is a big fan of internationalization and localization and
encourages developers to translate their apps into many languages.
2013 tehy released Etchings 1.5, which includes translations for 7 additional languages: Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish.
Слайд 33It’s clear that since the update, countries with translated languages
have been responsible for a significantly greater share of the
revenue compared to English countries. This is an encouraging result and shows that translating the app has had a real and lasting effect.
Etchings 1.6 will include App Store description translations for Russian and Turkish.
Слайд 34C. Global brand decision
What is brand?
A name ,term,sign,symbol,
or design,or a
combination of
these intended to identify
the goods or services
of sellers ,
and to differentiate them
from those of competitors.
Слайд 35What is a global brand?
Global brands are brands that are
throughout much of the world.
Identify the relative attractiveness of each
market for your brand
Conduct attitude and usage studies in each country in which you are considering entering
Слайд 36Identify the sequence of brand launch by country/region of the
Know the category and brand indices in each country in
which your brand operates
Establish a branding scorecard that can be applied country by country
Agree to which decisions are made centrally and which ones are made locally
Слайд 38Characteristics that all top global brands have in common:
1. The
same positioning worldwide.
2. A focus on a single product
3. The company name is the brand name.
4. Access to the global village.
5. Social responsibility .
Слайд 391. Brand name
It is a mark used to show ownership.
it is important that the brand name be clearly seen
on the packaging and easily recognizable.
A brand name that has been around for some time, will generally develop customer loyalty. Consumers will purchase the brand name product because they trust the company. They know the quality is good, and they won't have trouble obtaining a refund or replacement if for some reason the product is damaged or otherwise unacceptable.
Слайд 40 Because English is widely viewed as a global language, with
over 380 million native speakers, many international brands are created
in English. Still, language differences present difficulties when using a brand internationally.
Some of the global brands have been localizing their brand names in some markets and others use one name everywhere.
Слайд 41 CASE 1
Слайд 432. Logo
A logo is a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and
even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. Logos
are either purely graphic (symbols/icons) or are composed of the name of the organization (a logotype or wordmark).
Слайд 44 Logo design is an important area of graphic design,
and one of the most difficult to perfect.
logo is the image embodying an organization. Because logos are meant to represent companies' brands or corporate identities and foster their immediate customer recognition, it is counterproductive to frequently redesign logos.
Слайд 503. Slogan
A slogan, also called a tagline, motto, strapline, signature, claim, payoff or
baseline, is a short phrase or sentence meant to gain
attention and get a specific message across quickly. People use it primarily in advertising and politics, and in either instance, they generally are trying to make the public more familiar with someone or something.
Слайд 51A widely recognized purpose of a slogan is to communicate information about
a company, product, service or candidate, helping people become familiar
with and remember what’s available.
It should get the underlying mission of the business or organization across, showing commitment to consumers or voters.
滴滴香浓 已有未尽 麦斯威尔
科技以人为本 诺基亚
汇源果汁 喝汇源果汁,走健康之路
中国移动 沟通从心开始
牛奶香浓 丝般感受 德芙
格力空调 好空调 格力造
Слайд 53Slogan
领导时代,驾驭未来 奔驰
享受引擎的力量 福特
你的世界,从此无界 别克君威
超越期望、超越自我 大众
关爱生命 享受生活 标志
让汽车成为一个小家 宝马
心致、行随,动静合一 沃尔沃
出于对汽车的爱 雷诺
Слайд 54One global brand?
Different global brand?
Слайд 56CASE 2
Слайд 58Summary
Global Product life cycle
Global product decision
Global brand decision
Слайд 59Reference
跨国市场营销实务 夏正荣
品牌胜典 秋水
行棋无悔 董明珠