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Lotus Temple

Lotus TempleThe Lotus Temple is one of the main temples of India and neighboring countries, built in 1986. Located in the city of New Delhi - the capital of India.

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Слайд 1Lotus Temple

Lotus Temple

Слайд 2Lotus Temple
The Lotus Temple is one of the main temples

of India and neighboring countries, built in 1986. Located in

the city of New Delhi - the capital of India.
Lotus TempleThe Lotus Temple is one of the main temples of India and neighboring countries, built in

Слайд 3As in all the temples of the Bahai religion, the

Lotus Temple is open to people of all faiths. Bahá’í

teachings state that the soul of the temple is where people of all faiths can worship God without limits.

Worship service

As in all the temples of the Bahai religion, the Lotus Temple is open to people of

Слайд 4Building
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Construction began near New Delhi in 1978 and

was completed on December 22, 1986. The central hall -

diameter is 75 meters, height is 31 meters, capacity is 1300 places. Architect Fariborb Sahba was inspired by the world famous design of the Sydney Opera House. All the temples of the Bahai faith, including the Lotus temple, are united by several architectural elements, some of which are characteristic of the sacred writings of the Bahai faith.
BuildingДобавить нижний колонтитулConstruction began near New Delhi in 1978 and was completed on December 22, 1986. The

Слайд 5Building
Inspired by the lotus flower, the architect is included in

the project.
The 27-petal buildings of the temple are lined with

marble and
united in three, which gave the temple nine parties
round shape. Nine doors of the Temple of the Lotus lead to the main hall with a height of about 40 meters. The hall is designed for 2500 people. The temple is faced with white marble from Penteli Mountain in Greece. Of the other Baha'i temples, faith was built from similar marble. The territory of the temple, which includes the building of the temple and garden, has an area of 10.5 hectares.
BuildingInspired by the lotus flower, the architect is included in the project.The 27-petal buildings of the temple

Слайд 6Tourism
The Lotus Temple in India is visited by more than

10,000 people every day. Due to its magnificence and originality,

this temple has received a huge number of awards in the field of architecture. He was called the "flower" of the architecture of India.
TourismThe Lotus Temple in India is visited by more than 10,000 people every day. Due to its

Слайд 7Architecture
The “petals” are arranged in three rows and are made

of white concrete, and the outside are lined with white

marble slabs.
The inner row forms the arch of the building and resembles an untapped flower bud. The temple is surrounded by nine pools, creating the impression that the building, like a lotus flower, stands on the water.
ArchitectureThe “petals” are arranged in three rows and are made of white concrete, and the outside are

Слайд 8Plan
The temple has a unique system of "natural
ventilation. Thanks to

the open apertures at the base of the building and

on its top, the warm air from the central hall comes out
through the hole in the dome, and cool air, passing through the pools with water and the foundation, enters the hall, maintaining an acceptable temperature inside.
PlanThe temple has a unique system of

Слайд 9Thank you for watching.

Thank you for watching.

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