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Magazines Today

QuestionsWhat is a magazine?What are the main types of magazines?When was the first magazine published?Why do advertisers favor specialization in magazines?How is print surviving the digital age?

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Слайд 1Magazines Today

Magazines Today

Слайд 2Questions
What is a magazine?
What are the main types of magazines?

was the first magazine published?
Why do advertisers favor specialization in

How is print surviving the digital age?

QuestionsWhat is a magazine?What are the main types of magazines?When was the first magazine published?Why do advertisers

Слайд 3Magazine Definition
A magazine is a periodical publication which is printed

in gloss-coated and matte paper or electronically published (sometimes referred

to as an online magazine).
Magazine DefinitionA magazine is a periodical publication which is printed in gloss-coated and matte paper or electronically

Слайд 4The three broad types of magazines
General interest magazines (food, fashion,

entertainment, home, gardening etc.)
Special interest magazines (fishing, cooking, computers, photography

Professional magazines (medicine, banks, market etc.)
The three broad types of magazinesGeneral interest magazines (food, fashion, entertainment, home, gardening etc.)Special interest magazines (fishing,

Слайд 5The first magazine
In 1731, an Englishman named Edward Cave published

a periodical called The Gentleman's Magazine. He invented the word

“magazine” from the Arabic word “makhazin”, which meant “storehouse”. Cave's goal was to create a magazine that the general public would be interested in.
The first magazineIn 1731, an Englishman named Edward Cave published a periodical called The Gentleman's Magazine. He

Слайд 6The reasons for successful advertising in magazines
Inspired audience
Targeted audience
They last

Focused attention
High quality

The reasons for successful advertising in magazinesInspired audienceTargeted audienceCredibilityThey last Focused attentionHigh quality

Слайд 7How is print surviving the digital age?
The way some quality

newspapers and magazines have been able to survive in recent

years is by introducing paywalls on their online content.
But many editors are struggling to strike the right balance between physical and digital content. They are faced with the choice of either posting all their articles online for free so the magazine stays relevant, or charging readers money to protect the financial future of the brand.
How is print surviving the digital age? The way some quality newspapers and magazines have been able

Слайд 8Thank you
Киреенко В. и Скуба Ю.

Thank youППс-16-1-оКиреенко В. и Скуба Ю.

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