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Mardi Gras in New Orleans

History of celebrationMardi Gras is a pagan holiday. It is celebrated people around the world, but the most colorful performances take place in New Orleans. For the first time

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Слайд 1Mardi Gras in New Orleans

Mardi Gras in New Orleans

Слайд 2 History of celebration
Mardi Gras is a pagan holiday.

It is celebrated people around the world, but the most

colorful performances take place in New Orleans. For the first time in this city had its French settlers in 1699. This holiday can be considered analogous to the carnival. The last day of Mardi Gras is the "Fat Tuesday". “Fat Tuesday” is a celebration of Carnival, the eve of Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of Lent.
History of celebrationMardi Gras is a pagan holiday. It is celebrated people around the world,

Initially, Mardi Gras was held only in the

French Quarter of the city. But eventually spread to other

parts of New Orleans. According to legend, in 1872 in the Mardi Gras was a Russian prince and Alexei Romanov, who came to New Orleans for his beloved, American actress Lydia Thompson.

Upon learning that the carnival visit lady of royal blood, the organizers made a special platform with the inscription «Rex» (King), making Romanov King holiday. Since then, a mandatory part of the festival is a platform with a king or queen.

INTERESTING FACTInitially, Mardi Gras was held only in the French Quarter of the city. But eventually

Слайд 4Carnival in New Orleans
1872 finally established canons of this bustling

mischievous, bright festival. On the day of Mardi Gras people

take to the streets in colorful costumes, drink, eat and do not think about work. In response to the traditional cries excited crowd "Throw us something!" They throw large pewter coins, plastic beads and other trinkets
Carnival in New Orleans1872 finally established canons of this bustling mischievous, bright festival. On the day of

Слайд 5In short, Mardi Gras - it ...

In short, Mardi Gras - it ...

Слайд 6…bright costumes

…bright costumes

Слайд 7…decorated platform

…decorated platform

Слайд 8… dansing

… dansing

Слайд 9…music


Слайд 10…and good mood;)

…and good mood;)

Слайд 11Arina Dmitrieva and Arina Lavruk
Thank you for your


Arina Dmitrieva and Arina Lavruk  Thank you for your  attention

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