Разделы презентаций

Ministry education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan Karaganda State

Plan of lecture:1 General characteristic and systematic of green algae.2 General characteristic and systematic of chara algae.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Ministry education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan
Karaganda State University

named after academician Ye.A. Buketov

Biological and geographical faculty

Botany Department

Course – Botany
Specialty - 5В011300 – «Biology»

Lecture № 11

Algae. Division: Chlorophyta and Charоphyta

(1 hour)

Lecturer: candidate of biological science, associated professor
Ishmuratova Margarita Yulaevna
Ministry education and Science of Republic of KazakhstanKaraganda State University named after academician Ye.A. Buketov Biological and

Слайд 2Plan of lecture:

1 General characteristic and systematic of green algae.

General characteristic and systematic of chara algae.

Plan of lecture:1 General characteristic and systematic of green algae.2 General characteristic and systematic of chara algae.

Слайд 3Main literatures:
1 Еленевский А.Г., Соловьев М.П., Тихомиров В.Н. Ботаника:

систематика высших, или наземных, растений. 2 изд. - М.: Academіa,

2001. - 429 с.
2 Нестерова С.Г. Лабораторный практикум по систематике растений. - Алматы: Қазақ ун-ті, 2011. - 220 с.
3 Родман А.С. Ботаника. – М.: Колос, 2001. - 328 с.

Additional literatures:
1 Абдрахманов О.А. Систематика низших растений. – Караганда: Изд-во КарГУ, 2009. - 188 с.
2 Билич Г.Л., Крыжановский В.А. Биология. Т. 2: Ботаника. - М.: Оникс 21 век, 2002. - 543 с.
3 Абдрахманов О.А. Практические работы по систематике низших растений. Ч. 2. Грибы и водоросли. – Караганда: Изд-во КарГУ, 2001. - 144 с.
4 Абдрахманов О.А. Лабораторный практикум по бактериям и водорослям. Учебное пособие. - Алматы: Казакадем образование, 2000. - 130 с.
Main literatures: 1 Еленевский А.Г., Соловьев М.П., Тихомиров В.Н. Ботаника: систематика высших, или наземных, растений. 2 изд.

Слайд 7Some species of green algae

Some species of green algae

Слайд 9Ulotrix


Слайд 11Colony of volvox

Colony of volvox

Слайд 12Some species from Charophyta algae

Some species from Charophyta algae

Слайд 14Control questions:

1 Make the characteristics of green and chara

2 Which life forms are usual for green algae?
3 Which

life forms are usual for chara algae?
4 Why did chara algae extract in separate group of algae?
5 Which practical uses have green and chara algae?
6 What kind of pigments has green algae?
7 Describe similar signs of green and chara algar.
Control questions: 1 Make the characteristics of green and chara algae.2 Which life forms are usual for

Слайд 15Test questions:

Sphere of use of green algae:
А) source of protein

production of calcium
С) de-toxication of heavy metal
Д) as

a food
Е) production of medical preparations
F) As decorative plants
Colonial species of green algae:
А) chrysomonad
В) diatomea
С) volvox
Д) chara
Е) ulotrix
Test questions:Sphere of use of green algae:А) source of proteinВ) production of calcium С) de-toxication of heavy

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