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Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України Київський університет

Introduction Inventors have been registering bright ideas with the world's. Patent office for over 150 years. How has technology changed the world? While the flush toilet, aspirin, the computer, the pill,

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України
Київський університет імені

Бориса Грінченка
Університетський коледж
Індивідуальне навчально-дослідне завдання
з практичного курсу англійської мови

тему: Безглузді винаходи

Студентка 44 ПО групи
Семак Альбіна Іванівна
Київ - 2012

Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту УкраїниКиївський університет імені Бориса ГрінченкаУніверситетський коледж Індивідуальне навчально-дослідне завдання з

Слайд 2Introduction
Inventors have been registering bright ideas with the world's.

Patent office for over 150 years.
How has technology changed

the world?
While the flush toilet, aspirin, the computer, the pill,
The photo-copier and the mobile phone have proved invaluable,
The same cannot be said of every innovation.
Introduction Inventors have been registering bright ideas with the world's. Patent office for over 150 years. How





Слайд 7Slipper Mops
Just what everyone needs, right? A pair of slipper-flip-flops

with cloths built into the soles. Clean while you walk.

Now everybody can feel like Cinderella, before she got a fairy godmother. Rumours flying around say that this company is also making sweeping-brush pants and pot-scrub gloves.
Slipper MopsJust what everyone needs, right? A pair of slipper-flip-flops with cloths built into the soles. Clean

Слайд 8Banana Slicer
Who would be so lazy that they need to

cut a banana with a specially made banana slicer? I

wouldn’t mind so much if the slicer could be used for slicing other things, but it’s banana shaped, so unless there’s a lof of banana shaped things you need to slice into semi-equal segments, you’re kind of out of luck.
Banana SlicerWho would be so lazy that they need to cut a banana with a specially made

Слайд 9We all know those couples who just can’t keep their

hands off each other. They constantly touch each other and

it makes everyone around them seriously uncomfortable. But this, this is a whole other level. For the freaky co-dependent couple in your life, comes the tandem bicycle of the sweater world. Yes, it’s the two-person sweater.
We all know those couples who just can’t keep their hands off each other. They constantly touch

Слайд 10Creative but Useless Japanese Inventions
Japanese are of the most creative

people the world. Take a look around you and don’t

be surprise to find many of the things you use and deal with daily are invented by them.

However inventing a lot doesn’t put an equivalent to useful invention.

Creative but Useless Japanese InventionsJapanese are of the most creative people the world. Take a look around

Слайд 12'butter stick' (not patented), 1995
'food cooler' (not patented), 1997
'duster slippers'

(not patented), 1995

'butter stick' (not patented), 1995'food cooler' (not patented), 1997'duster slippers' (not patented), 1995

Слайд 13The conclusion
The world is full of useless things; absolute nonsense

that has absolutely no regard for your being. We have

no need for them and our lives are in no way enhanced by their mere existence, yet there they cunningly tease you with fancy buzz words or hilarious design until you cave and buy it. Sometimes, when I’m watching television and an ad comes on and it’s for something useless I like to scream at the television like it’s a sentient being that will listen to what I have to say and react accordingly. By “accordingly”, I do mean not subjecting me to ads for the feckless crap. Here’s a list of some of the most useless inventions I’ve ever seen.
The conclusionThe world is full of useless things; absolute nonsense that has absolutely no regard for your

Слайд 14Used source

Used sourcehttp://www.designboom.com/history/useless.htmlhttp://www.hongkiat.com/blog/useless-japanese-inventions/http://popculturemonster.com/index.php/2011/9-useless-inventions/http://wildammo.com/2012/04/19/10-interesting-but-useless-inventions-you-may-or-may-not-want/#3http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1157762/The-useless-inventions-unless-fancy-motorised-ice-cream-cone-ear-dryer.html

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