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Mortgage In Germany

Two-room apartment in germanyaverage cost € 300,000good enough repairfavorable areadeveloped infrastructure

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Слайд 1Mortgage In Germany

Mortgage In Germany

Слайд 2Two-room apartment in germany
average cost € 300,000
good enough repair
favorable area


Two-room apartment in germanyaverage cost € 300,000good enough repairfavorable areadeveloped infrastructure

Слайд 3example of such an apartment

example of such an apartment

Слайд 4rights and obligations of a foreigner after buying a property

in Germany
stay in the country up to 90 days in

half a year or up to 180 days a year.
obligated to pay taxes on real estate and utility costs
to enter the country to purchase real estate you will need to apply for an entry visa
rights and obligations of a foreigner after buying a property in Germanystay in the country up to

Слайд 5Real estate taxes in Germany
The tax on the purchase of

real estate is 3.5-6.5% depending on the region
For notary services

you will have to pay about 1-1.5% of the value of the object
realtor commission - 3.5–6% of the property value
Real estate taxes in GermanyThe tax on the purchase of real estate is 3.5-6.5% depending on the

Слайд 6 capabilities
If you plan to purchase an apartment for subsequent rental,

then in Berlin or Munich you can count on the

profitability of this company about 4% per year. At the same time, in smaller cities, returns may be higher.
capabilitiesIf you plan to purchase an apartment for subsequent rental, then in Berlin or Munich you

Слайд 7Mortgage terms
interest rate - from 3 to 5% per

down payment - at least 40% of the market price

of housing
loan term - from 5 to 40 years (standard term - 10 years)
Mortgage terms interest rate - from 3 to 5% per annumdown payment - at least 40% of

Слайд 8getting a mortgage
1 step - Analysis of offers from banks

step - Collection and preparation of documentation
3 step - Opening

a bank account and replenishing it
4 step - The conclusion of the contract.

getting a mortgage1 step - Analysis of offers from banks2 step - Collection and preparation of documentation3

Слайд 9Thanks for attention!

Thanks for attention!

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