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multiple regression analysis Demand evaluation 1

Simple linear regression is used to analyze the relationship between one independent variable affecting the demand, and the required quantity of goods or servicesIn some cases, changes in demand are satisfactorily

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Слайд 1multiple regression analysis
Demand evaluation

multiple regression analysis Demand evaluation

Слайд 2Simple linear regression is used to analyze the relationship between

one independent variable affecting the demand, and the required quantity

of goods or services

In some cases, changes in demand are satisfactorily explained by changes of one independent variable, such as price

Simple linear regression is used to analyze the relationship between one independent variable affecting the demand, and

Слайд 3We would like to investigate the relationship between demand and

more than one independent variable that can be changed

We would like to investigate the relationship between demand and more than one independent variable that can

Слайд 4multiple regression analysis

multiple regression analysis

Слайд 5When using simple pair regression we consider that demand changes

as a result of price changes, while other variables are


The market price is set by the intersection of demand and supply curves

If the market price changes, then shifted either the demand curve or the supply curve, or both of these curves

If you move only the supply curve, the point of a "price-quantity" will lie only along the demand curve

Here to determine the demand curve, you can use simple regression

Ех: the market of microprocessors

Technological progress is rapidly reduced production costs of these devices, so the producers had a desire to expand production: the supply curve shifted to the right

When using simple pair regression we consider that demand changes as a result of price changes, while

Слайд 6Any change in any other variable, except price will cause

a shift of the demand curve
«identification problem»
Three balance points got

as a result of displacement of the supply curve and demand curve

The demand function of one variable?

Can be solved by using multiple regression

If the firm mistakenly take this line for the demand curve, it may reduce the price in anticipation of a strong increase of income due to a sharp increase of sales

The true demand curve is less elastic, i.e. an anticipated increase in sales will not occur

Any change in any other variable, except price will cause a shift of the demand curve«identification problem»Three

Слайд 7Construction of multivariable demand function
Task: Reflection of the relationship between

dependent and independent variables

Construction of multivariable demand functionTask: Reflection of the relationship between dependent and independent variables

Слайд 8Construction of multivariable demand function
Step 1. Identification of variables
The quantity

of product demanded
Demand is a function of many variables.
Tastes of


Consumer’s Income level

Prices of substitutes

Consumer’s expectations

Available Volume of product

Number of potential consumers


Another factors

The demand model may have the following form:

In any empirical study it is necessary to identify the independent variables and their relationship with the dependent variable

Construction of multivariable demand functionStep 1. Identification of variablesThe quantity of product demandedDemand is a function of

Слайд 9We must also determine whether the independent variables are connected

to each other
It is not enough to determine the relationship

of the demand variables with the necessary quantity of goods

Construction of multivariable demand function

Step 1. Identification of variables

We must also determine whether the independent variables are connected to each otherIt is not enough to

Слайд 10Construction of multivariable demand function
Step 2. Collection and refinement of

Consider the following aspects:
Organization of information (month, quarter, year);
The number

of observations required to obtain good results
Construction of multivariable demand functionStep 2. Collection and refinement of dataConsider the following aspects:Organization of information (month,

Слайд 11Organization of information (month, quarter, year);
A greater number of observations

allows us to achieve greater statistical efficiency
Correction: taking into account

population and inflation;
seasonal adjustment (for quarterly data);
the reaction of economic phenomena to changing conditions with some delay


Construction of multivariable demand function

Step 2. Collection and refinement of data

Organization of information (month, quarter, year);A greater number of observations allows us to achieve greater statistical efficiencyCorrection:

Слайд 12The number of observations required to obtain good results
Basic rule:

well-chosen model requires the number of observations, that is at

least three or four times more than the number of independent variables

Construction of multivariable demand function

Step 2. Collection and refinement of data

The number of observations required to obtain good resultsBasic rule: well-chosen model requires the number of observations,

Слайд 13If the trend of the experimental values of the dependent

variable is approximately linear, and there are many independent variables,

the estimated equation is:

The estimated demand

The value of independent variable

Constant value

Estimated value of the i-th regression parameter


Construction of multivariable demand function

Step 3. Choosing the best form of equation

If the trend of the experimental values of the dependent variable is approximately linear, and there are

Слайд 14˄
Function is not linear:

˄Function is not linear:

Слайд 15Construction of multivariable demand function
Step 4. The determination of the

regression equation
Import of mushrooms data
Sales per week
Quantity of potential consumers

per capita

Construction of multivariable demand functionStep 4. The determination of the regression equation14Import of mushrooms dataCitySales per week(boxes)Quantity

Слайд 16Construction of multivariable demand function
Step 4. The determination of the

regression equation
Quantity of potential consumers (thousands)
Sales per week
Sales per week

per capita

Construction of multivariable demand functionStep 4. The determination of the regression equation15Quantity of potential consumers (thousands)Sales per

Слайд 17 0,009
Q = 3,5 + 0,5 X1 + 0,009

Construction of multivariable demand function
Step 4. The determination of the

regression equation

Variable №

Dispersion analysis

Root-mean-square error of regression coef.

sum of squares

coefficient of determination

Root-mean-square error of regression

0,009Q = 3,5 + 0,5 X1 + 0,009 X2Construction of multivariable demand functionStep 4. The

Слайд 18Construction of multivariable demand function
Testing and evaluation of results
The suitability

of the model can be determined by answering two fundamental

Whether the regression parameters of the correct sign and a reasonable value?
How well changes in demand are explained by changes in the independent variables?

The answer is based on economic theory and on the judgment of the researcher

There should be some statistical tests conducted that evaluate the individual parameters and the model in general

Testing the suitability of the model

Computer makes any regression analysis, the data for which is presented in the correct form, regardless of economic sense

The task of the researcher is to determine the correctness of application of the results for demand forecasting

Construction of multivariable demand functionTesting and evaluation of resultsThe suitability of the model can be determined by

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