Разделы презентаций

Muscles Y ou will: - learn different types of muscles

MusclesMuscles are part of the locomotion system. Their main function is movement. Muscles consist of cells called myocytes, or muscle fibers. They are long fibers. Myocytes combine and make muscular tissue.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Muscles
You will:
- learn different types of muscles

MusclesYou will:- learn different types of muscles

Слайд 2Muscles
Muscles are part of the locomotion system. Their main function

is movement.
Muscles consist of cells called myocytes, or muscle

fibers. They are long fibers. Myocytes combine and make muscular tissue.
MusclesMuscles are part of the locomotion system. Their main function is movement. Muscles consist of cells called

Слайд 3Types of muscles
Skeletal muscles are muscles by which we move.

We can control them.
For example, muscles of legs, hands or

Skeletal muscles consist of muscles fibers bind together. Muscle fibers of skeletal muscles are striated. Connective tissue covers the muscle. Muscle binds to bone by tendon.

Types of musclesSkeletal muscles are muscles by which we move. We can control them.For example, muscles of

Слайд 4Types of muscles
Cardiac muscle is a muscle of our heart.

We cannot control cardiac muscles. It can move fast and

do not stop.
Cardiac muscles are also striated. But muscle fibers of cardiac muscle are closely connected to each other. Sometimes they fuse.
Types of musclesCardiac muscle is a muscle of our heart. We cannot control cardiac muscles. It can

Слайд 5Types of muscles
Smooth muscles are muscles in our interior organs,

such as stomach, vessels and etc.
We cannot control them.

They move independently.
Smooth muscles are not striated. They move slowly.
Types of musclesSmooth muscles are muscles in our interior organs, such as stomach, vessels and etc. We

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