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My country legislation on health care of disabled people

Impact of disability of mentally retarded persons on their parentsMental retardation is a highly prevalent and highly disabling condition. It is generally considered that 2% of the Indian population constitutes persons

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Слайд 1My country legislation on health care of disabled people
Name: Patel

Jaykumar N.
Group: 17LL4(a)
Acceptor: Tatyana Gavrilova

My country legislation on health care of disabled peopleName: Patel Jaykumar N.Group: 17LL4(a)Acceptor: Tatyana Gavrilova

Слайд 2Impact of disability of mentally retarded persons on their parents

retardation is a highly prevalent and highly disabling condition. It

is generally considered that 2% of the Indian population constitutes persons with mental retardation. In India prevalence of mental retardation varies from 0.22-32.7 per thousand populations.

This act was declared in 1995.
Impact of disability of mentally retarded persons on their parentsMental retardation is a highly prevalent and highly

Слайд 3Goals
To assess the level of disability in mentally retarded


Bearing in mind the necessity of assisting mentally retarded persons

to develop their abilities in various fields of activities and of promoting their integration as far as possible in normal life.

To see the impact of disability of mentally challenged children on their parents.

Goals To assess the level of disability in mentally retarded children.Bearing in mind the necessity of assisting

Слайд 4Principles
The mentally retarded person has, to the maximum degree

of feasibility, the same rights as other human beings.
The mentally

retarded person has a right to proper medical care and physical therapy and to such education, training, rehabilitation and guidance as will enable him to develop his ability and maximum potential.
The mentally retarded person has a right to economic security and to a decent standard of living

Principles The mentally retarded person has, to the maximum degree of feasibility, the same rights as other

Слайд 5Contents
Availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality are the core obligations

and elements of the right to health.
A mentally ill

person is in need of special care and attention both at home and in the hospital for the simple reason that he/she is unable to fend for himself/herself.
Contents Availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality are the core obligations and elements of the right to health.

Слайд 6Contents
Mental retardation makes a person incapable of living an

independent life.
In India, family bears the main burden of

caring for such persons unlike in the developed world. Family members, particularly parents, are more affected by the condition.
Normally the people in the society and the professional workers do not feel the actual stress and the burden to the extent it is experienced by the family members of the MR child.
Contents Mental retardation makes a person incapable of living an independent life. In India, family bears the

Слайд 7Contents
There is need to find out how disability due

to mental retardation is affecting parents of such persons in

order to help those who are having negative impact and to find out how they are positively affected so that others can be helped in the same manner.

Aim of this study was to know the type of impact of having a MR child on the parents
Contents There is need to find out how disability due to mental retardation is affecting parents of

Слайд 8Practical realization

Practical realization

Слайд 9Practical realization

Practical realization

Слайд 10Significance
The main important is to providing services for persons

with disabilities to have equal rights and opportunities with their

active participation .

Significance The main important is to providing services for persons with disabilities to have equal rights and

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