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My last shopping Prepared by Daria Filippova Of MFL-12

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Слайд 1My last shopping
Prepared by Daria Filippova
Of MFL-12

My last shoppingPrepared by Daria Filippova Of MFL-12

Слайд 2I did shopping last week at Korona.

I did shopping last week at Korona.

Слайд 3 It’s a large self – service store, where prices

are reasonable and the shelves are well stocked with a

very wide selection of attractively packed goods
It’s a large self – service store, where prices are reasonable and the shelves are well

Слайд 4There I bought some kind of goods.
Firstly, I bought a

colorful set of handles, a beautiful notebook and a red proofreader.

The price was reasonable because these goods had a discount. I bought these goods for my study.

There I bought some kind of goods.Firstly, I bought a colorful set of handles, a beautiful notebook

Слайд 5I also bought a vase for my grandmother. The vase

is big, oval,with flowers and brown. The price was reasonable.

I also bought a vase for my grandmother. The vase is big, oval,with flowers and brown. The

Слайд 6
Then I had join the queue at the check-out and

paid by plastic card.

Then I had join the queue at the check-out and paid by plastic card.

Слайд 7

Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

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