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My Portfolio

Personal information last name Hirniak first name Maria-Adriana patronymic IgorivnaAge 17 Date of birth: 14/12/1995Place of birth: city Berezhany

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Слайд 1 My Portfolio
Maria Hirniak

My PortfolioMaria Hirniak

Слайд 2Personal information
last name Hirniak
first name Maria-Adriana

patronymic Igorivna
Age 17
Date of birth: 14/12/1995
Place of

birth: city Berezhany
oblast Ternopil
country Ukraine
Parents' names: Father Myakush Igor E.
Mother Hirnyak Irina B/
Home address: Street Vitoshyns'kyj # 38
postal index 47602
city Kozova
oblast Ternopil
country Ukraine
Telephone number +380961132892
e-mail Adriana2012@mail.ru

Personal information last name  Hirniak first name Maria-Adriana  patronymic  IgorivnaAge 17  Date of

Слайд 3This is me …
I was born in Berezhany, I lived

there 4 roky.In kindergarten I did not go. Almost 7

years I went to school. From 8 klass I started going to group tourism. I went to the regional competition, met many people. Acquired many friends
This is me …I was born in Berezhany, I lived there 4 roky.In kindergarten I did not

Слайд 4My environment

My environment

Слайд 5My earliest memories
When I was small I have spent much

time in nature with my friends, we played many different

As a child I loved to play with dolls and also machines. The best toy was my little teddy bear which I always went to bed.
As a child, I really wanted to be a famous person. It wanted to sing.
My earliest memoriesWhen I was small I have spent much time in nature with my friends, we

Слайд 6My family

My family is a big it was my father,

sister and two brothers. Mom called it Il housewife, she

is beautiful and very good. Father's name is Igor, he works plant .Moya sister Christina as the two brothers enrolled in 2 school .She 10 klasi.Maye beautiful eyes and she is pretty. Brother Nazav study in 7th grade, he is also handsome, smart and goes to walk as I engaged sportom.Brat Svetoslav enrolled in 6 grade.Svyatoslav mimics Nazar but he still goes fishing like fishing.

My familyMy family is a big it was my father, sister and two brothers. Mom called it

Слайд 7Hobbies and Pastimes
My hobby is tourism. I went to him

4 years. In tourism can maintain your fitness. We had

a very good teacher Orest I. Medvedev. In the event it is always in the evening around the campfire we played guitar and sang very well. I'm on tourism has received many awards. I also love to play volleyball.
Hobbies and PastimesMy hobby is tourism. I went to him 4 years. In tourism can maintain your

Слайд 8My best friends
I have a best friend Ira Basara, she

always support me, help me. Il I know from childhood.

Ira is a beautiful, intelligent knows English. Ira as I went to walk. She told me much help and I am very grateful that sheI am Iru not often see because she was going a little far. She is trained in the Carpathian National University of Stefanik.
My best friendsI have a best friend Ira Basara, she always support me, help me. Il I

Слайд 9Also my best friend is my boyfriend Yuri. It also

helped me a lot, I trust him as well as

Ira, he pretty well knows math.
Also my best friend is my boyfriend Yuri. It also helped me a lot, I trust him

Слайд 10My teachers
My class teacher is Shvets Galina. It is

strict but fair teacher in the classroom with her fun.

also liked the physical education lessons.
My teachers My class teacher is Shvets Galina. It is strict but fair teacher in the classroom

Слайд 11My school
My day at school begins at 9:00.

I came a little earlier and therefore had little opportunity

to socialize with friends. We discuss the latest news and home school. Soon the bell rang and we hurried to class.
The school kept me all the same impression.
The best was probably the fact that we have to come to school volunteers. We went to the English club. Also cool was when we poured cleaner and always cooked for us.

My school  My day at school begins at 9:00. I came a little earlier and therefore

Слайд 12Bright/funny school moments
The brightest moment in school was that when

we were welcome Natalia Petrovna Happy Birthday Tarasik and sang

around the hallway Happy Birthday dear Natalia Petrovna, was so cool.
Bright/funny school momentsThe brightest moment in school was that when we were welcome Natalia Petrovna Happy Birthday

Слайд 13School Subjects
My favorite school subjects are English, physical education,

sometimes physics, and computer science.
To master the future profession I

need English, history or geography and Ukrainian language.
I like that and the success with which the subject

School Subjects My favorite school subjects are English, physical education, sometimes physics, and computer science.To master the

Слайд 14English classes
at English lessons were interesting, the teacher is always

inventing various interesting vykohannya exercise. Cool was when Natalia Petrovna

of ball-throwing and immediately asked word.
I also like to watch English movies is great.
If I were a teacher of English, I would have done as did our teacher.
If I were a teacher of English, I would not, I do not know much.

English classesat English lessons were interesting, the teacher is always inventing various interesting vykohannya exercise. Cool was

Слайд 15My personal awards
I have a lot of bonus letters in

tourism were mostly 2-3 for first place is always occupied

At the regional competition of tourism we took 1st place always.
My personal awardsI have a lot of bonus letters in tourism were mostly 2-3 for first place

Слайд 16Future profession
As a child I was planning sati or a

teacher or a flight attendant. And now I want to

become a teacher.
My parents and friends advised me to go to medical but I did not want to because I'm afraid of blood.
Future professionAs a child I was planning sati or a teacher or a flight attendant. And now

Слайд 17I am a school-leaver
I exhaust it means that I stand

on the threshold of adult life. I need to pass

the tests good to get proper training then I was able to get a job.
I am a school-leaverI exhaust it means that I stand on the threshold of adult life. I

Слайд 18My aim for this year
I want to spend nice

summer vacation, good pass tests to arrive Where I want.

My aim for this year I want to spend nice summer vacation, good pass tests to arrive

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