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Key message New line of clothes for kids aged from 4 to 9.

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Слайд 1

Слайд 2Key message
New line of clothes for kids aged from

4 to 9.

Key message New line of clothes for kids aged from 4 to 9.

Слайд 3Special features
Very comfortable for kids moving and wearing;
Funny design;
“human collection”

Special featuresVery comfortable for kids moving and wearing;Funny design;“human collection”

Слайд 4USP
Kids departments in:
boutiques in the city center and its active

special stock points.

USPKids departments in:boutiques in the city center and its active parts;special stock points.

Слайд 5Target audience
Parents, especially active/sporty :
age 23-38;
successful in business;
middle and high


Target audienceParents, especially active/sporty :age 23-38;successful in business;middle and high class.

Слайд 6Medias
Magazines («Малыш», «Здоровая семья», «Мир семьи», «Няня», etc.);
TV commercial;
Internet ;

Social campaign.

MediasMagazines («Малыш», «Здоровая семья», «Мир семьи», «Няня», etc.);TV commercial;Billboards;POSM;SPInternet ; Social campaign.

Слайд 7Advertising in journals:
“Hi! I’m Jerry. I love dancing, that’s why

I’m always training, even in the kindergarten. And when funny

girls interestingly stare at me, I do my best figure! When I grow, I’ll be the best break-dancer in the world! I guess you should know that.

They are only littlies, but they already have dreams.

Advertising in journals:“Hi! I’m Jerry. I love dancing, that’s why I’m always training, even in the kindergarten.

Слайд 8Advertising in journals:
Hi. I’m Katherine Simbledok. I love singing. Maybe,

my name doesn’t tell you anything now, but what if

I tell you in 15 years you’ll watch me on the pages of cool magazines as the world greatest opera singer?

They are only littlies, but they already have dreams.

Advertising in journals:Hi. I’m Katherine Simbledok. I love singing. Maybe, my name doesn’t tell you anything now,

Слайд 9Billboards


Слайд 10Guessed who’s the greatest break-dancer?
They are only littlies, but they

already have dreams.

Guessed who’s the greatest break-dancer?They are only littlies, but they already have dreams.

Слайд 11Guessed who’s the greatest
football attacker?
They are only littlies, but

they already have dreams.

Guessed who’s the greatest football attacker?They are only littlies, but they already have dreams.

Слайд 12Guessed who’s the greatest opera singer?
They are only littlies, but

they already have dreams.

Guessed who’s the greatest opera singer?They are only littlies, but they already have dreams.

Слайд 13Sales Promotion
30% discount for twins;
10% off the price for the

next barging.

Sales Promotion30% discount for twins;10% off the price for the next barging.

Слайд 14Social Campaign
TV commercial (“Warming your Heart and body. Nike. Just

do it.”);
Nike will send 15% of the profits and clothes

to the houseless children;
Organizing special treating programs for ill children.
Social CampaignTV commercial (“Warming your Heart and body. Nike. Just do it.”);Billboards;Nike will send 15% of the

Слайд 15Created by Lena Grygorchuk
FAA-II, Management

Created by Lena GrygorchukFAA-II, Management

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