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When where did you take the photo? I took the photo last year when we … The atmosphere was … 

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 4When where did you take the photo?
I took the photo

last year when we … 
The atmosphere was … 

When where did you take the photo? I took the photo last year when we … The atmosphere was … 

Слайд 5What/who is in the photo?
In the photo you can see

In the photo there is/there are …
People (relatives, friends, classmates…)

size colour

Where in the photo?

How do they feel? How do they look?

happy, sad, worried, angry, bored, tired

What/who is in the photo?In the photo you can see …In the photo there is/there are …People

Слайд 6What is happening?
Present Progressive
He/she is … -

They are … - ing
Present Perfect
What has just

What has happened before?

The place
In this picture the action is taking place in ……
In the picture you can see ...
There’s / There are ...

What is happening?Present Progressive   He/she is … - ing  They are … - ingPresent

Слайд 7Why did you take the photo?
I took this photo because…


is bright and colourful.
It is full of positive emotions.
It reminds

me of …….
I wanted to show you how interesting …


Why did you take the photo?I took this photo because…it is bright and colourful.It is full of

Слайд 8When where did you take the photo?
I took the photo

last year when we … 
The atmosphere was … 

When where did you take the photo? I took the photo last year when we … The atmosphere was … 

Слайд 9What/who is in the photo?
In the photo you can see

In the photo there is/there are …
People (relatives, friends, classmates…)

size colour

Where in the photo?

How do they feel? How do they look?

happy, sad, worried, angry, bored, tired

What/who is in the photo?In the photo you can see …In the photo there is/there are …People

Слайд 10What is happening?
Present Progressive
He/she is … -

They are … - ing
Present Perfect
What has just

What has happened before?

The place
In this picture the action is taking place in ……
In the picture you can see ...
There’s / There are ...

What is happening?Present Progressive   He/she is … - ing  They are … - ingPresent

Слайд 11Why did you take the photo?
I took this photo because…


is bright and colourful.
It is full of positive emotions.
It reminds

me of …….
I wanted to show you how interesting …


Why did you take the photo?I took this photo because…it is bright and colourful.It is full of

Слайд 12When where did you take the photo?
I took the photo

last year when we … 
The atmosphere was … 

When where did you take the photo? I took the photo last year when we … The atmosphere was … 

Слайд 13What/who is in the photo?
In the photo you can see

In the photo there is/there are …
People (relatives, friends, classmates…)

size colour

Where in the photo?

How do they feel? How do they look?

happy, sad, worried, angry, bored, tired

What/who is in the photo?In the photo you can see …In the photo there is/there are …People

Слайд 14What is happening?
Present Progressive
He/she is … -

They are … - ing
Present Perfect
What has just

What has happened before?

The place
In this picture the action is taking place in ……
In the picture you can see ...
There’s / There are ...

What is happening?Present Progressive   He/she is … - ing  They are … - ingPresent

Слайд 15Why did you take the photo?
I took this photo because…


is bright and colourful.
It is full of positive emotions.
It reminds

me of …….
I wanted to show you how interesting …


Why did you take the photo?I took this photo because…it is bright and colourful.It is full of

Слайд 16Организация высказывания
I’ve chosen photo number... As a rule, I

take a lot of photos during my holidays and I

want to show a photo of/which …./Guess what? I’m going to show you one of my new photos… 1. I took this photo when I … ……………………………………………….. 2. In the photo you can see … ……………………………………………….. 3. He/she is …- ing. …………………………………………………… 4. I took this photo because … ……………………………………………………. 5. I’ve decided to show this photo to you because … In my opinion, this photo is really nice and makes you happy/I like this photo very much because it reminds me of the best moments of my life.
Организация высказыванияI’ve chosen photo number...   As a rule, I take a lot of photos during

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