Слайд 1Philosophy, its object and functions
Слайд 2The term “philosophy” comes from the Greek language. It consists
of two words :
philos, (love, or philia – friendship,
affection привязанность) and
sophos (learned scholar ученый муж, sage, or sophia - wisdom, knowledge, talent).
Слайд 3A brief etymological interpretation sounds like
“love wisdom”
Слайд 4The first who used this word, was Pythagoras. He did
not dare (не отважился) to call himself as wise man,
in his view: it is only God is wise, there’s only God’s wisdom.
Слайд 5So, here one of the first symbols of wisdom, philosophy
– Iris, (the rainbow as a bridge between earth people
and sky gods).
Слайд 6For the ancient Greek philosophers philosophy was not only a
form of knowledge, learning, but also a form of life,
existence. And even the first form or way of life (образ жизни).
Слайд 7How can or should begin philosophy in each case? And
how a single person attached (приобщается) to it?
Слайд 8Various thinkers have different answers to this question. Plato began
to widely use the term “philosophy” in his “Dialogues”.
Слайд 9Then, Aristotle believed that philosophy begins with wonder. (удивление)
Слайд 10Wonder in front of the mystery of the world, its
unity and diversity (многообразие), its infinity. It is very difficult
to be surprised and to see something in its untouched pristine (первозданность).
Слайд 11Interpretation of the wisdom of Democritus rightly points out (указывает)
that philosophy can not be reduced to knowledge. Although in-depth
knowledge is necessary for a wise.
Слайд 12As pointed out by another ancient Greek philosopher – Heraclitus,
for “knowledge of much doesn’t teach to be wise”
Слайд 13Descartes saw the real beginning of philosophy in doubt.
Слайд 14Philosophical knowledge is knowledge of hole (целое), integrity of the
whole. “The world as a whole” – that could be
defined as the subject of philosophy.
Слайд 15The whole combines, integrates parts, provides them into unity. It
is clear that only something in common and significant can
ensure (обеспечивать) unity of the objects.
Слайд 16However, it should not be taken so that philosophy does
not show any interest in the parts. Of course, the
whole doesn’t exist without parts.
Слайд 17But the parts are taken here in that connection that
leads to whole, include them in general chain (цепь) of
global process, in the fundamental unity of the world.
Слайд 18It is also important to have in view that philosophy
is internally dissected (внутренне расчлененное) formation consisting of independent philosophic
Слайд 19Ontology – study of being
Gnoseology – theory of cognition
Epistemology -
study of knowledge
Philosophical anthropology – study of man
Social philosophy –
philosophy of society
Слайд 20Aesthetics – study of the beauty
Logic – study of thinking
– study of the future
Axiology – study of values
Ethics –
study of morality
Слайд 21Directly only ontology goes to “the world as hole”. But,
this does not mean that there’s no study of the
hole, integrity in other philosophical disciplines.
Слайд 22Social philosophy studies direction of the historical process (what is
the history?), paradigms, i.e., model-patterns in social life.
Слайд 23In all its forms philosophy teaches “the holistic (целостное) thinking”,
an integrated interpretation of all existing parties, all aspects of
human existence. Philosophical knowledge, then, should be classified as problematic one.
Слайд 24In a rigorous, logical-philosophical approach every problem reveals (обнаруживает) its
true meaning that is to be an issue on which
there is no answer in the existing system of knowledge, but which, nevertheless, growing out from it.
Слайд 25In this context we can understand the Socratic phrase:
know that I know nothing”
Слайд 26In fact, expanding (расширяя) the circle of knowledge we increase
the area of contact with the world of ignorance, or
Слайд 27There are problems in any science, but in philosophy they
have eternal nature due to philosophy deals with the problems,
which don’t have any final solutions.
Слайд 28Each era and every great thinker give their own interpretation,
understanding and resolution of philosophical problems – more or less
authentic (достоверное), compelling (убедительное), but a very relative.
Слайд 29Philosophical knowledge is not only problematic, but alternative. Philosophy makes
a lot of different responses on any fundamental question .
There is no the Answer, but there are a lot of answers.
Слайд 30Philosophical knowledge also comes as critical knowledge. Philosophy reflects all
dogmas, teachings, authorities, values which are circulating (имеют хождение) in
Слайд 31Philosophical criticism reveals (выявляет) limitations and the relativity of all
Слайд 32In this respect, philosophy is different than rhetoric which convinces
(убедить) a listener in one way of opinion.
Слайд 33Main instrument of philosophy is not conviction (убеждение), but discovery
and critical examination of the truth.
Слайд 34Criticism is naturally connected with reflection. Reflection is self-conscious (самоосознающее)
or cognitive thinking, self-aware (самоосознающее) knowledge search. Reflective thought is
a thought, turned on itself.
Слайд 35Philosophical knowledge can be described as well as humanistic knowledge.
In this case, we investigate person as a philosophical phenomenon
because every person exists as active side of relationships between human and the world.
Слайд 36Philosophy discovers universality in its human, humanistic dimension and meaning.
Philosophy explores the world, displayed (отображенный) on individual world.
Слайд 37Knowledge becomes philosophical knowledge when it is projected on human
being and is involved in the formation of his worldview.
Слайд 39Solution of the question “is philosophy science?” depends on how
we understand science and how we evaluate philosophy. Science is
usually identified with a system of true knowledge, but it is an exagge’ration (преувеличение).
Слайд 40First, the foundation of any science has highly uncertain character.
Слайд 41Second, at the highest level of science there exists its
heterogeneity (неоднородности): contradictory theories, unproven theorems, purely hypothetical constructs, paradoxes.
Слайд 42Third, science is a social institution, i.e., social diversity which
contains people, their research roles, misconceptions (заблуждения), prejudices (предрассудки) and
rumors (слухи).
Слайд 43Philosophy has more comprehensive (объемлющий) nature, intended to generalize the
truth. Philosophy unites not only scientific, but religious, ethical, aesthetic
theories and opinions.
Слайд 44Historical types of outlook: mythology, religion, philosophy
Слайд 45World outlook is a system of views on the reality
and human’s place in it in a certain historic-cultural epoch.
Слайд 46Outlook has a definite structure: everyday and scientific knowledge, creeds
(убеждения), faith, principles etc.
Outlook carries out the function of human’s
knowledge of the outer world.
Слайд 47Outlook has two levels:
rational-theoretical level
daily and practical level
Слайд 48There are three historical types of outlook:
Слайд 49Mythology is a system of legends, in which it’s stated
the understanding of the emergence and structure of the world
and man as its inherent element.
Слайд 50Myth is the first form of cultural activity of man.
Cosmogonic myths are about the origin of the universe.
myths are about the structure of the universe.
Слайд 51Religion is a faith in the supernatural substance, which is
based on a strong system of moral norms and the
special organization of people (sanctuary- храм).
Faith is a form of existence of religion.
Слайд 52Religious outlook is characterized by…
1. Symbolism (each a significant phenomenon
in nature or history is regarded as a manifestation of
God’s will)
Слайд 532. The world is divided on the worldly and otherworldly
3. Time is associated with a sacred history
Слайд 55So, as much it’s defined before: «Philosophy is the study
of fundamental laws of the world, man and man’s place
in this world»
Слайд 56Philosophy is focused on three key elements:
- nature,
social life,
- human.
Слайд 57The question of relation between matter and consciousness is one
of the main questions in philosophy
Слайд 58This question has two aspects:
1. What comes first: matter
or consciousness? (materialists and idealists)
2. Can we cognize the world?
(Gnostics and Agnostics)
Слайд 60Four basic functions of philosophy:
1. Outlook function of philosophy is
the ability to give a united picture of the world
in general, to combine data of sciences, arts, practices.
Слайд 612. Methodological function is to identify ways to achieve some
goal, such as scientific knowledge, aesthetic creativity, social practice.
Слайд 623. Humanistic function is implemented in a very careful attention
to the man, this function is referring to man as
the active phenomenon.
Слайд 634. The practical function of philosophy is, above all, the
aspiration to moral, ethical virtue of the people.
Слайд 64Philosophy course consists of…
history of philosophy
theory of
Слайд 65Periods of evolution of philosophy:
The ancient oriental philosophy
The philosophy of
ancient Greece and Rome
Medieval philosophy
The philosophy of Renaissance
The New Age
German classical philosophy
Philosophy of the 19th century
Philosophy of the 20th century
Present-day Philosophy
Слайд 67Philosophy is the subjective search for answers to the fundamental
issues of existance.
Philosophy is ethical man’s attitude to the world.
Слайд 68Appointment of philosophy is an understanding the world and human
security of the universal conditions of improvement.