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Places of interesting Northern Ireland Педагог дополнительного

LocationNorthern Ireland is one of the four countries of the United Kingdom. It is situated in the northeastern part of the island of Ireland including Rathlin Island and several smaller offshore

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Слайд 1Places of interesting Northern Ireland
Педагог дополнительного образования

творческого развития и гуманитарного образования «Романтик»
Самсонова Ирина Борисовна

Places of interesting Northern Ireland  Педагог дополнительного образования МОУДО Центр творческого развития и гуманитарного образования «Романтик»Самсонова Ирина

Слайд 2Location
Northern Ireland is one of the four countries of the

United Kingdom. It is situated in the northeastern part of

the island of Ireland including Rathlin Island and several smaller offshore islands. The country is washed by the North Channel and by the Irish Sea. The population of Northern Ireland is about 1.7 million people.
LocationNorthern Ireland is one of the four countries of the United Kingdom. It is situated in the

Слайд 3Beautiful landscapes
There are many beautiful landscapes in Northern Ireland.
Cliffs of

Moher (Скалы Мохер)
Ring of Kerry (Кольцо Керри)

Beautiful landscapesThere are many beautiful landscapes in Northern Ireland.Cliffs of Moher  (Скалы Мохер) Ring of Kerry

Слайд 4BrunaBoinne ( Бру-на-Бойн)
KillarneyNationalPark (Национальный парк Килларни)

BrunaBoinne  ( Бру-на-Бойн)KillarneyNationalPark  (Национальный парк Килларни) 

Слайд 5Glendalough ( Глендалох)
Dingle Peninsula ( Полуостров Дингл)

Glendalough  ( Глендалох)Dingle Peninsula  ( Полуостров Дингл) 

Слайд 6 
Northern Ireland has a temperate maritime climate. It’s wetter in

the west than in the east of the country, although

cloud cover is persistent across the region. Most of the land of Northern Ireland is covered in rich green grass, which is a result of damp climate and extensive deforestation in the 16th and 17th centuries.


 Northern Ireland has a temperate maritime climate. It’s wetter in the west than in the east of

Слайд 7Cities
Belfast is the capital and largest city of Northern Ireland.

Among other major cities we can mention Armagh, Derry, Lisburn

and Newry.


CitiesBelfast is the capital and largest city of Northern Ireland. Among other major cities we can mention

Слайд 9Armagh


Слайд 10Londonderry


Слайд 11Lisburn


Слайд 13Culture
Northern Ireland has developed its own culture. There are lots

of theatres and cinemas in the country. There are two

national museums: the Ulster Museum in Belfast, which houses a collection of Irish antiquities and the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum. The Ulster Symphony Orchestra is among the leading orchestras of Britain
CultureNorthern Ireland has developed its own culture. There are lots of theatres and cinemas in the country.

Слайд 14Castles
Belfast Castle
Castle Ward
Dunluce Castle

CastlesBelfast CastleCastle WardDunluce Castle 

Слайд 15Enniskillen Castle
Orford Castle
Dudrum Castle
Carrickfergus Castle
Hillsborough Castle
Stormont Castle

Enniskillen Castle Orford CastleDudrum CastleCarrickfergus CastleHillsborough Castle Stormont Castle

Слайд 16Natural attraction
Craigmore Viaduct (Виадук Крэйгмор)
 Giants Causeway (Дорога гигантов)

Hedges (Аллея ДаркХеджес)
Mountains Mourne Горы Морн

Natural attractionCraigmore Viaduct  (Виадук Крэйгмор) Giants Causeway  (Дорога гигантов)Dack Hedges  (Аллея ДаркХеджес)Mountains Mourne  Горы

Слайд 17Lake Lough Ernie. ( Лох-Эрн)
Cable – stayed bridge Carrick-a-Rede

Пещеры Marble-Arch (Марбл-Арч)

Lake Lough Ernie. ( Лох-Эрн)Cable – stayed bridge Carrick-a-Rede  (Каррайк-а-рид)Пещеры Marble-Arch   (Марбл-Арч)

Слайд 18Conclusion
Northern Ireland is worth visiting.

ConclusionNorthern Ireland is worth visiting.

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