Разделы презентаций

Planning a Weekend

Today is the 21th of April.What is the date today?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 Planning a Weekend

Planning a Weekend

Слайд 2Today is the 21th of April.
What is the date today?

Today is the 21th of April.What is the date today?

Слайд 3Do the crossword puzzle Find the days of the week
Down(по вертикали):

1. Воскресенье, 2. Суббота, 3. Вторник
Across(по горизонтали): 3. Четверг, 4.

Среда, 5. Пятница, 6. Понедельник
Do the crossword puzzle Find the days of the week Down(по вертикали): 1. Воскресенье, 2. Суббота, 3.

Слайд 4What are you going to do at weekends?

What are you going to do at weekends?

Слайд 5to be going to …
am is

she, it
they, you

to be going to …am  is      areIhe, she, itwe,they, you

Слайд 6


play with a friend
make a phone call

in the garden
write an email
wash the dog
drink coffee

Weekends plant flowers play with a friendmake a phone callwork in the gardenwrite an emailwash the dog

Слайд 7Make up sentences with your word combinations. (Составьте свои предложения

со словами из предыдущего слайда: 3-4 предложения) Ex.: On

Sunday (в воскресенье) I am going to visit my granny.
Make up sentences with your word combinations. (Составьте свои предложения со словами из предыдущего слайда: 3-4 предложения)

Слайд 8Make up a dialogue with your partner (Составьте диалог)

What are you going to do on Saturday?
- I

am going to …
- And what are you going to do on Sunday?
- I am going to …

Make up a dialogue with your partner (Составьте диалог) - What are you going to do on

Слайд 9What are you going to do at the picnic? (Что

вы собираетесь делать на пикнике)
Составьте предложения, используя следующий слайд и

переведите их на русский язык. Например, we are going to swim. (мы собираемся плавать).
What are you going to do at the picnic? (Что вы собираетесь делать на пикнике)Составьте предложения, используя

Слайд 10We are going
to have a picnic
to swim
to sunbathe
to pick

to cook dinner
to put up a tent
to take pictures
to play

the guitar

to sing songs

to gather

to make a campfire

to play tennis

We are going to have a picnicto swimto sunbatheto pick berriesto cook dinnerto put up a tentto

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