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I welcome you :)I am Egor RyabokonDate of birth: 27.12.1999My contacts: •egor.ryabokon@aiesec.net •8 (910) 280-19-44Place of study: VSU/Mathematics FacultyAIESEC experience: member MrktAs you can see, this is me

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 PM oGV


Слайд 2I welcome you :)
I am Egor Ryabokon
Date of birth: 27.12.1999

contacts: •egor.ryabokon@aiesec.net •8 (910) 280-19-44
Place of study: VSU/Mathematics Faculty
AIESEC experience: member


As you can see, this is me

I welcome you :)I am Egor RyabokonDate of birth: 27.12.1999My contacts:  •egor.ryabokon@aiesec.net •8 (910) 280-19-44Place of

Слайд 3My advantages and disadvantages
I am (fortunately) •responsible •creativity •purposeful
I am

(unfortunately) •a little hazardous •slightly irritable •Rarely careless (I work with it)

My advantages and disadvantages I am (fortunately)  •responsible  •creativity  •purposeful  I am (unfortunately)

Слайд 4Some information about me =3
Well, I find myself an interesting

person, containing a lot of open and hidden talents. I

'm positive, kind and responsive, a lot of people can agree with that. My "rule," overcome difficulties with a smile on my face
Some information about me =3Well, I find myself an interesting person, containing a lot of open and

Слайд 5Personal questions

Personal questions

Слайд 6Personal questions
What attracts me to this position?
I am attracted to

the fact that in this position there will be new

responsibilities, difficulties and goals with which I will have to work with my team.
I want to be a real leader. A person who people want to go after, from whom they can take an example, from whose mistakes they can learn.

Qualities that i want to develop in this position. Why?

Leadership, responsibility, resourcefulness
I want to motivate and unite people, help and support those in need, organize the work of an entire collective, try to be a good example for them. I want to develop in myself the desire to take difficult tasks and boldly perform them, not to be afraid of failure and difficulties.

What motivates me?

For me, the motivation is to contribute to myself and contribute to others. I will be like a link in a chain, useful in itself, but I am an important part of something bigger.

Personal questionsWhat attracts me to this position?I am attracted to the fact that in this position there

Слайд 7Personal questions x2
Where does my motivation end?
Well, to be realistic,

any "chain" will ever break. But I believe in the

best, and I will strive that with the loss of one motivation, I will find a replacement for her.

What reasons will force me to leave the organization?

A complete mess in relations between people. If no means can correct it, thoughts of dismissal may appear. But it is better in that case to challenge itself and try to establish everything.

How will me motivate the team? Could this affect you?

To be friends with the team, to find contact with everyone. It is necessary to organize informal meetings, to keep in contact with each other. Try to understand each other and respect them. If it can affect me, it 's only in a positive way.

Personal questions x2Where does my motivation end?Well, to be realistic, any

Слайд 8Functional question

Functional question8

Слайд 9GV is relevant in Voronezh, because the current young generation

is the most amazing, they are ready for the new,

they want to develop, they do not stand in one place.

My focus will be on countries: Serbia (for people with weak language and a small budget), Egypt (statistically, there are many who want to go there, still not much on money, the requirements of the language are also not high), the Czech Republic (a large amount of money, good language - it's for those who wants not to be afraid of difficulties, as many who want to go there)


GV is relevant in Voronezh, because the current young generation is the most amazing, they are ready

Слайд 10In the plans:
April- (2 aprove's from me, 4 from the

May- (2-3 aprove's from me, 4-6 from the team)
June, July-(1

aprove from me, 1 from the team)
Goal: 15 per summer peak

The key to a successful team is cooperation between its members. The same could be said of the relationship between the departments. I want to help and receive help from other departments as productively and efficiently as possible.


In the plans:April- (2 aprove's from me, 4 from the team)May- (2-3 aprove's from me, 4-6 from

Слайд 11I'm sure my team are great people in every plan.

Together we will set new goals, despite the difficulties we

will strive to achieve them. We will help each other with a smile on our face :D

The most important thing is to unite the team, to become a "family". I think that's where it's worth starting with. I'll get in communication with my team.


I'm sure my team are great people in every plan. Together we will set new goals, despite

Слайд 12Thank u 4 your time :)

Thank u 4 your time :)

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