Разделы презентаций

Political system of Japan

Political systemGovernment structureLegislative branchStructure of the lower House of ParliamentConclusionList of references The content

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Political system of Japan
Vartanova Anna

Political system of JapanVartanova AnnaU8-02

Слайд 2Political system
Government structure
Legislative branch
Structure of the lower House of Parliament

of references

The content

Political systemGovernment structureLegislative branchStructure of the lower House of ParliamentConclusionList of references The content

Слайд 3Parliamentary representative democratic monarchy
Political system
Emperor Akihito

Parliamentary representative democratic monarchyPolitical systemEmperor Akihito

Слайд 4Parliamentary representative democratic monarchy

Political system
Prime minister - Shinzō Abe

Parliamentary representative democratic monarchyPolitical systemPrime minister - Shinzō Abe

Слайд 5Government structure
Legislative branch
Executive branch
Judicial branch
House of Representatives
House of Councillors
Supreme Court

High Court, District Court, Family Court and Summary Court
Enforcement authorities

in the field


Government structureLegislative branchDietExecutive branchJudicial branchHouse of RepresentativesHouse of CouncillorsSupreme CourtLower courts:High Court, District Court, Family Court and

Слайд 6Legislative branch

House of Representatives

House of Councillors
Lower house

480 seats

4-year term
Upper house

242 seats

6-year term

Legislative branchHouse of RepresentativesShugi-inHouse of CouncillorsSangi-in Lower house 480 seats 4-year term Upper house 242 seats 6-year

Слайд 7Structure of the lower House of Parliament
Seating after the

in December 2012

Structure of the lower House of Parliament Seating after the election in December 2012

Слайд 8Structure of the lower House of Parliament
The president of

Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)

The president of Democratic Party of Japan


Shintarō Ishihara

Tōru Hashimoto

The leaders of Japan Restoration Party

Shinzō Abe
(current prime minister)

Banri Kaieda

Structure of the lower House of Parliament The president of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)The president of Democratic

Слайд 9Little authority: of the Diet

of the

Prime Minister
LDP – the most powerful party

“The Iron Triangle”


Little authority: of the Diet

Слайд 10www.rogerdarlington.me.uk/Japanesepoliticalsystem


List of references

www.rogerdarlington.me.uk/Japanesepoliticalsystemen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_JapanList of references

Слайд 11ご清聴ありがとう


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