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Political System of Kazakhstan President of the Republic of Kazakhstan


KazakhstanChinaGeneral InformationRussiaMongoliaKyrgyzstanTajikistanAzerbaijanGeorgia UkraineBelarusTurkeyTurkmenistanUzbekistanArmeniaRepublic of KazakhstanCapital ASTANAPopulation 15.3 mlnTerritory 2.7

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Political System of Kazakhstan
of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Political System of KazakhstanPresidentof the Republic of Kazakhstan

Слайд 2Kazakhstan
General Information
Republic of Kazakhstan



15.3 mln
Territory 2.7 mln sq km
(9th place in the world)
Currency TENGE (127/1USD)
Length of borders 12.187 km.

KazakhstanChinaGeneral InformationRussiaMongoliaKyrgyzstanTajikistanAzerbaijanGeorgia  UkraineBelarusTurkeyTurkmenistanUzbekistanArmeniaRepublic of KazakhstanCapital 	       ASTANAPopulation

Слайд 3The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Слайд 4
The legislative branch in Kazakhstan is presented by bicameral Parliament:

Lower Chamber – Majilis, Upper Chamber – Senate. According to

the Constitution Parliament is a high representative body of republic that realizes legislative functions.


The legislative branch in Kazakhstan is presented by bicameral Parliament: Lower Chamber – Majilis, Upper Chamber –

Senate is established by elected from each region, city and

the capital of Kazakhstan deputies at joint session of deputies

of all representative bodies of regions, cities of republican importance and the capital. Seven deputies of Senate are appointed by the president.
There 39 deputies in the Upper Chamber, 32 of them are elected, 7 are appointed by the Head of state.
Exclusive powers of the Upper Chamber of Parliament of Kazakhstan.
by the presentation of the President, election and relieve from the post the head of Supreme court, the heads of Supreme court Board and judges, tendering an oath.
give the consent to the appointment by the President of Procurator – General of Kazakhstan and the Head of the Committee of national security.
to deprive of immunity of Procurator – General, the Head and the judges of the Supreme court of Kazakhstan.
pre-term termination of powers of local representative bodies.
Consider the impeachment of the President initiated by Majilis and submit the results to the consideration of joint session of Chambers.

SENATESenate is established by elected from each region, city and the capital of Kazakhstan deputies at joint

Majilis deputies are elected on the basis of direct,

equal and universal suffrage at secret ballot. Deputy corps of

Majilis is formed by deputies elected by proportional and majority systems.
There are 77 deputies in the Lower Chamber of Parliament.
10 deputies of Majilis are elected on the proportional system by single national constituency. The rest 67 deputies are elected by single candidate territorial constituency according to the administrative and territorial division of the country.
Exclusive powers of Lower Chamber of Parliament of Kazakhstan.
consideration of law drafting;
discussion of republican budget and reports of its execution, amendments to the budget, setting up state taxes and duties;
ratification and denunciation of international treaties of Kazakhstan;
passes the vote of no confidence to the Government;
bring an accusation against the President with high treason;
appointment and discharge from the post by the presentation of the Head of State the Head, the Head deputy, the secretary and the members of Electoral commission of Kazakhstan;
delegating two deputies to Qualification Board of Justice.
MAJILIS Majilis deputies are elected on the basis of direct, equal and universal suffrage at secret ballot.

Слайд 7Government
The Government of Kazakhstan exercises executive power, heads the system

of executive bodies and provides guidance of their activities. The

Head of the government is appointed by the President when the candidature of the premier has been approved by the majority of Parliament. Personal composition of the government is appointed by the President by the presentation of candidatures by premier.
Structure and composition of the government of Kazakhstan.
Prime-minister submits for a consideration to the President the structure of the government. The structure of the government is – the Prime-Minister, Vice Prime-Minister, 3 Prime-Minister deputies and 16 ministers.
GovernmentThe Government of Kazakhstan exercises executive power, heads the system of executive bodies and provides guidance of

Слайд 8Judicial power
Judicial power is realized through civil, administrative and penal

procedure. Bodies of judicial power are the Supreme Court and

inferior courts.
The particularity of Kazakh procedure is the absence of arbitration procedure. Economic disputes are resolved in civil procedure despite of subjects. Courts take the judicial acts in the form of decisions, sentences, determination and orders.
Supreme Court is a high judicial body on civil, penal, economic and other cases jurisdictional to inferior courts, controls their activities and provides clarifications of judicial practice.
Judicial powerJudicial power is realized through civil, administrative and penal procedure. Bodies of judicial power are the

Слайд 9Constitutional council

Constitutional council of Kazakhstan has a particular position in

the political system of Kazakhstan. Its powers are defined in

the article 72 of the Constitution.
Constitutional councilConstitutional council of Kazakhstan has a particular position in the political system of Kazakhstan. Its powers

Слайд 10Constitutional council decides in the case of dispute the propriety

of conduct:

Elections of the President;
Elections of the Parliament

Republican referendum;
Constitutional council examines:
The conformity of adopted by Parliament laws and signed by the President to the Constitution;
The conformity of the ratifications of international treaties to the Constitution.
Constitutional council provides with:
Official interpretation of the Constitution norms;
Constitutional council decides in the case of dispute the propriety of conduct: Elections of the President; Elections

Слайд 11The conclusion of the observance of the established constitutional proceedings

before Parliament takes a decision about the pre-term discharge from

the post of the President, final decision on renouncement from the post of the President.

The final decision of the Constitutional council entries into force from the date when the decision has been taken and is obligatory over all territory of the country irrevocable and without further appeal. Other decision entries into force in the order defined by the Constitutional council.

When the objections of the President cannot be overcome then the decision of the Constitutional council is not accepted and constitutional procedure terminates.
The conclusion of the observance of the established constitutional proceedings before Parliament takes a decision about the

Слайд 13Political parties of Kazakhstan
Agrarian party of Kazakhstan
Civil party of Kazakhstan

democratic party of Kazakhstan
"Ak zhol"
Republican political party "Otan"
Republican political

party "Asar"

Communist national party of Kazakhstan

Political parties of KazakhstanAgrarian party of KazakhstanCivil party of KazakhstanThe democratic party of Kazakhstan




Слайд 16The political system of the USA
Presidential Republic

50 states, centralized

government in Washington

Separation of powers

The political system of the USAGovernmentPresidential Republic 50 states, centralized government in WashingtonSeparation of powers

Слайд 17The political system of the USA
Separation of powers
(=ausführende Gewalt)
leading the

affairs of the state

- President - Vice President - 15 ministers

(=gesetzgebende Gewalt)
enacting (=erlassen) and discussing laws
Congress - House of Representatives (435) - Senate (100)

(=rechtssprechende Gewalt)
Pushing through the laws
Supreme Court (=highest judicial body)

The political system of the USASeparation of powersExecutive(=ausführende Gewalt)leading the affairs of the stateCabinet

Слайд 18The political system of the USA
Presidential elections
Plurality voting system: „The

winner takes all!“

Election of a party in form of electors


electors represent the opinion of their state in the „Electoral College“

The party with the most votes gets all the electoral votes of this state -> The parties have to look that they win in the states with a high amount of electors.
The political system of the USAPresidential electionsPlurality voting system: „The winner takes all!“Election of a party in

Слайд 19The political system of the USA
Parties and candidates try to

get as many as possible votes in states with a

high amount of electors and ignore the others

The party with more than 270 electoral votes wins, though an other one has more votes of the people in fact (f.e. Bush vs. Gore)
The political system of the USAProblemParties and candidates try to get as many as possible votes in

Слайд 20The political system of the USA
George W. Bush
43rd President since


Republican Party

„Compassionate conservatism“ (=mitfühlender Konservatismus)

The political system of the USAGeorge W. Bush43rd President since 2000Republican Party„Compassionate conservatism“ (=mitfühlender Konservatismus)

Слайд 21The political system of the USA
Bush‘s policy
War against terrorism „for


No Kyoto Protocol

Mistakes after hurricane Katrina

„Golden Raspberry“ for „Fahrenheit

The political system of the USABush‘s policyWar against terrorism „for God“No Kyoto ProtocolMistakes after hurricane Katrina „Golden

Слайд 22The political system of the USA
Compare the government of the

USA and Switzerland. What are the similarities and the differences?

Which one do you find better?

Discuss about Bush‘s policy. Think about things like death penalty, environment, wars, establishment of Christianity, a.s.o.
The political system of the USADiscussionCompare the government of the USA and Switzerland. What are the similarities

Слайд 23(born August 4, 1961) is the 44th and current President

of the United States. He is the first African American

to hold the office. Obama previously served as a United States Senator from Illinois, from January 2005 until he resigned after his election to the presidency in November 2008.

A native of Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.

Barack Hussein Obama II

(born August 4, 1961) is the 44th and current President of the United States. He is the

Слайд 25The political system of the USA
Thanks for paying attention !

The political system of the USAThanks for paying attention !

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