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Preparation for Exam


What’s it like to be a shark scientist?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Preparation for Exam
Monologue 1 “Talking about the job of a

shark scientist”
(SB p. 6 ex.1)

Preparation for ExamMonologue 1 “Talking about the job of a shark scientist”(SB p. 6 ex.1)

Слайд 2What’s it like to be a shark scientist?

What’s it like to be a shark scientist?

Слайд 3What’s it like to be a shark scientist?

What’s it like to be a shark scientist?

Слайд 4What qualities do you need to be a shark scientist?

What qualities do you need to be a shark scientist?

Слайд 5So do you think it’s a dangerous job?

So do you think it’s a dangerous job?

Слайд 6So do you think it’s a dangerous job?
350 species
10 dangerous

12 mln sharks\year

So do you think it’s a dangerous job?350 species10 dangerousKill 12 mln sharks\year

Слайд 7How do you become a shark scientist?

How do you become a shark scientist?

Слайд 8Preparation for Exam
Monologue 2 “Talking about different jobs”
(SB p. 7


Preparation for ExamMonologue 2 “Talking about different jobs”(SB p. 7 ex.4,6,7)

Слайд 10Preparation for Exam
Dialogue 1 “Calling your friend and arranging a

meeting” (SB p. 8-9; 11 ex. 4,5; 6)

Preparation for ExamDialogue 1 “Calling your friend and arranging a meeting” (SB p. 8-9; 11 ex. 4,5;

Слайд 12Preparation for Exam
Monologue 3 “Telling about Beethoven’s life” (SB p.

14 ex.2)

Preparation for ExamMonologue 3 “Telling about Beethoven’s life” (SB p. 14 ex.2)

Слайд 131770


Слайд 14at 13

at 131st17871795

Слайд 151790s
by 1819

Moonlight (1801)
Eroica (1804)
Pastoral (1808)
Emperor (1809)
March, 26

1790sby 1819Moonlight (1801)Eroica (1804)Pastoral (1808)Emperor (1809)March, 261827

Слайд 16Preparation for Exam
Dialogue 2 “Talking about last weekend” (SB p.

16 ex. 2, 3)

Preparation for ExamDialogue 2 “Talking about last weekend” (SB p. 16 ex. 2, 3)

Слайд 17Preparation for Exam
Monologue 4 “Telling about Victorian and Elizabethan Houses”

(SB p. 14 ex.2)

Preparation for ExamMonologue 4 “Telling about Victorian and Elizabethan Houses” (SB p. 14 ex.2)

Слайд 18Early: large, plenty of decoration;
Later: simple, plain;
Wealthy: large detached houses,

lots of rooms, expensive furniture;
Exterior: steep tiled roof, tall chimney

pots, large bay windows, stained glass:
Porch, steps up to the front door.

Early: large, plenty of decoration;Later: simple, plain;Wealthy: large detached houses, lots of rooms, expensive furniture;Exterior: steep tiled

Слайд 19E-shape;
Brick walls, strong wooden frames;
Spacious, comfortable;
Furniture big, elaborate (four-poster beds)

-> rooms in the attic.

E-shape;Brick walls, strong wooden frames;Spacious, comfortable;Furniture big, elaborate (four-poster beds)Servants -> rooms in the attic.

Слайд 20Preparation for Exam
Monologue 5 “Telling about life 100 years ago”

(SB p. 19 ex.12)

Preparation for ExamMonologue 5 “Telling about life 100 years ago” (SB p. 19 ex.12)

Слайд 21Preparation for Exam
Monologue 6 “Talking about the last visit to

a museum” (SB p. 20 ex.1,2)
What you saw/did
Liked it or


Preparation for ExamMonologue 6 “Talking about the last visit to a museum” (SB p. 20 ex.1,2)WhenWhereWhat you

Слайд 22Preparation for Exam
Monologue 7 “Telling about a holiday in Mexico”

(SB p. 26 ex. 2)

Preparation for ExamMonologue 7 “Telling about a holiday in Mexico” (SB p. 26 ex. 2)

Слайд 26Preparation for Exam
Monologue 8 “Talking about transport” (SB p. 28

ex. 1b)

Preparation for ExamMonologue 8 “Talking about transport” (SB p. 28 ex. 1b)

Слайд 27Preparation for Exam
Dialogue 3 “Calling a travel agent’s”
(SB p.

28 ex. 3)

Preparation for ExamDialogue 3 “Calling a travel agent’s” (SB p. 28 ex. 3)

Слайд 28Preparation for Exam
Monologue 9 “Talking about a festival”
(SB p.

31 ex. 2, 10)

Preparation for ExamMonologue 9 “Talking about a festival” (SB p. 31 ex. 2, 10)

Слайд 29Preparation for Exam
Dialogue 4 “Meeting a friend” (SB p. 31

ex. 9)

Preparation for ExamDialogue 4 “Meeting a friend” (SB p. 31 ex. 9)

Слайд 30Preparation for Exam
Monologue 10 “Talking about weather” (SB p. 34

ex. 2a)

Preparation for ExamMonologue 10 “Talking about weather” (SB p. 34 ex. 2a)

Слайд 31A.


Слайд 32Preparation for Exam
Monologue 11 “Describing an animal” (SB p. 38

ex. 1, 2)

Preparation for ExamMonologue 11 “Describing an animal” (SB p. 38 ex. 1, 2)

Слайд 34Preparation for Exam
Dialogue 5 “Giving advice” (SB p. 39 ex.

Preparation for ExamDialogue 5 “Giving advice” (SB p. 39 ex. 8)

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