Разделы презентаций

Present Simple Present Progressive always usually often never sometimes seldom

Present SimpleShe plants roses in spring.+-?She does not plant roses in spring.Does she plant roses in spring?Yes, she does.No, she does not.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Present Simple
She plants roses in spring.
She does not plant roses

in spring.
Does she plant roses in spring?
Yes, she does.
No, she

does not.
Present SimpleShe plants roses in spring.+-?She does not plant roses in spring.Does she plant roses in spring?Yes,

Слайд 3Present Progressive
She is planting roses now.
She is not planting roses

Is she planting roses now?
Yes, she is.
No, she is not.

Present ProgressiveShe is planting roses now.+-?She is not planting roses now.Is she planting roses now?Yes, she is.No,

Слайд 4Present Simple

Present Simple

Слайд 5Present Progressive

Present Progressive

Слайд 6They are not normally used in Present Progressive and in

Present Perfect Progressive

They are not normally used in Present Progressive and in Present Perfect Progressive

Слайд 7http://www.study.ru/test/testlist.php?id=124


Tests on-line

http://www.study.ru/test/testlist.php?id=124http://www.study.ru/test/testlist.php?id=138Tests on-line

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