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MUCH, MANY, A LOT OFA quantifier is a word that expresses a quantity.

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quantifier is a word that expresses a quantity.

MUCH, MANY,  A LOT OFA quantifier is a word that expresses a

Слайд 3MUCH - MANY - A LOT
We use much and many

mostly in question and negative. Much is used with uncountable

nouns, and many is used with countable plural nouns.
Ex: - Is there much rice left?
- We haven’t got much rice left.
- Has he got many books?
- He hasn’t got many books.

MUCH - MANY - A LOTWe use much and many mostly in question and negative. Much is

Слайд 4In affirmative sentences, we normally use a lot
(of) and lots

(of). We use a lot (of), lots (of) with both

uncountable nouns and plural nouns.
Ex: - We’ve got a lot of milk.
(Not: We’ve got much milk.)
- He’s got a lot of / plenty of books.
(Not normally: He’s got many books.)
In affirmative sentences, we normally use a lot(of) and lots (of). We use a lot (of), lots



Слайд 6Fill in the blanks with much, many, and a lot of.

1. John doesn’t have __________ money.

2. There is __________ gold in the bag
3. I don’t have ________ birds in the sky!
4. There aren’t ________ cars in the street.
5. Are there __________ apples on the tree?
6. Jane spends __________ money at the shops.
7. Do you have__________ bread in the cupboard?
8. Are there __________ children on the beach?
9. We are early. We have __________ time.
Fill in the blanks with  much, many, and a lot of.EXERCISE 1   1. John

Слайд 7Little, a little
In many situations, we can choose to

use 'a little' or 'little' (when using an uncountable noun)

or 'a few' or 'few' (when using a plural countable noun). They have slightly different meanings.

Few, a few

Little, a little In many situations, we can choose to use 'a little' or 'little' (when using

Слайд 8A Little
A few

A LittleA few

Слайд 9We use a little to express a positive idea with

singular uncountable nouns. It means ‘a small amount but some’


They had little money to spend. = not much/almost nothing

We use a little to express a positive idea with singular uncountable nouns. It means ‘a small

Слайд 10A few
We use a few to express a positive idea

with plural countable nouns. It means ‘a small number but


All she wanted was a few moments on her own. = some, a small number

A fewWe use a few to express a positive idea with plural countable nouns. It means ‘a

Слайд 11Little


Слайд 12Little and few
Little and few without ‘a’ are more a

negative idea.
Little means ‘not much’ , ‘almost no’.

means ‘not many’, ‘almost no’.
We use little with uncountable nouns and  few 
with plural countable nouns. 
They had little money to spend.= not much/almost nothing
She had few moments on her own.= not many/almost none
Little and fewLittle and few without ‘a’ are more a negative idea. Little means ‘not much’ ,

Слайд 13Let’s practice

Let’s practice

Слайд 14Fill in: a little/little or a few/few

1. Spending ___________

hours in the sun every day is pleasant.
2. We have

been to the Greek islands ________ times.
3. There were very __________ people in the taverna last night.
4. Would you like ___________ milk in your coffee?
5. I’d like to spend _________ more time on the beach today.
6. He has _________ patience for rude customers.
7. Let’s see if there’s ___________ coffee left in the pot.
8. Oh no! There’s so ________ coffee, we’ll have to make more.

Fill in: a little/little or a few/fewEXERCISE 21. Spending ___________ hours in the sun every day is

Слайд 15Answer key
Exercise 1
1. John doesn’t have much money.

2. There is a lot of gold in the

3. I don’t have many birds in the sky!
4. There aren’t many cars in the street.
5. Are there many apples on the tree?
6. Jane spends a lot of money at the shops.
7. Do you have much bread in the cupboard?
8. Are there many children on the beach?
9. We are early. We have a lot of time.

1. Spending a few hours in the sun every day is pleasant.
2. We have been to the Greek islands a few times.
3. There were very few people in the taverna last night.
4. Would you like a little milk in your coffee?
5. I’d like to spend a little more time on the beach today.
6. He has little patience for rude customers.
7. Let’s see if there’s a little coffee left in the pot.
8. Oh no! There’s so little coffee, we’ll have to make more.

Answer keyExercise 1 1. John doesn’t have much money.   2. There is a lot of

Слайд 16THANKS!


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