Разделы презентаций

Read the sentence, fill in the gap, and then check

1. Let’s buy this pen It … (to seem) … (light and convenient) than that one.Let’s buy this pen It seems lighter and more convenient than that one.2. In fact, my

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Read the sentence, fill in the gap, and then check

степень прилагательных и наречий)

Read the sentence, fill in the gap, and then checkComparison(сравнительная степень прилагательных и наречий)

Слайд 21. Let’s buy this pen It … (to seem) …

(light and convenient) than that one.
Let’s buy this pen It

seems lighter and more convenient than that one.
2. In fact, my friend … (to look) … (old) than me, though he is 2 years … (young).
In fact, my friend looks older than me, though he is 2 years younger.
3. Gas prices here … (to go up) … (fast) than anywhere else.
Gas prices here are going up faster than anywhere else.
4. We … (to know) them … (well) than you. We … (to be) friends since childhood.
We know them better than you. We have been friends since childhood.
5. Now I … (to want) a … (clever) machine.
Now I to want a cleverer/more clever machine.
6. Why … (we, to drive) … (slowly) than usual. Can you be a bit … (quick)?
Why are we driving more slowly than usual. Can you be a bit quicker?
7. What … (he, to do)? Who? You … (to mean) my … (old) sister? He is a dentist.
What does he do? Who? You mean my older/elder sister? Oh, she is a dentist.
8. The test … (not, to be) … (easy) today than than it was yesterday.
The test is not easier today than it was yesterday.
9. I … (to promise) I’ll do the test … (quickly) and … (easily).
I promise I’ll do the test more quickly and more easily.
10. What … (you, to do) here? I’m sitting, this room is … (quiet) than the others.
What are you doing here? I’m sitting, this room is quieter/more quiet than the others.

1. Let’s buy this pen It … (to seem) … (light and convenient) than that one.Let’s buy

Слайд 311. You … (to stand) too close to the printer.

Can you step … (far).
You are standing too close to

the printer. Can you step farther/further.
12. I … (to apologize) the exam result is bad but it could be even … (bad).
I apologize the exam result is bad but it could be even worse.
13. My … (old) son … (to speak) Spanish … (fluently) than yours.
My older/elder son speaks Spanish more fluently than yours.
14. I … (to wait) for them all morning. I … (to get) … angry and … (angry).
I have been waiting for them all morning. I am getting angrier and angrier.
I’ve been waiting for them all morning. I am getting more and more angry.
15. He … (to advise) me to eat … (much) fruit.
He advises me to eat more fruit.
16. How often … (you, to play) football? I … (to think), … (often) than you expect.
How often do you play football? I think, more often than you expect.
17. How long … (it, to take) you to get home from work? It takes … (long) by car.
How long does it take you to get home from work? It takes longer by car.
18. The more tests you do, the … (good) you … (to understand).
The more tests you do, the better you understand.
19. The … (little) time you spend on English, … (bad) your results are.
The less time you spend on English, the worse your results are.
20. My colleague is … (значительно, serious) than me.
My colleague is much more serious than me.

11. You … (to stand) too close to the printer. Can you step … (far).You are standing

Слайд 421. The more you learn, … (smart) you become.
The more

you learn, the smarter you become.
22. These jeans … (to

be) too small. I … (to need) a … (large) size.
These jeans are too small. I need a larger size.
23. It is … (значительно, good) to go for a walk than to watch TV.
It is much better to go for a walk than to watch TV.
24. The actors … (to refuse) to play on a … (new) stage. They … (not, like) it.
The actors refuse to play on a newer stage. They don’t like it.
25. Our office is … (pretty) than yours.
Our office is prettier than yours.
26. There are a lot of people in the shop. It is … (crowd) than usual.
There are a lot of people in the shop. It is more crowded than usual.
27. If you have ... (far) questions, ask me.
If you have further questions, ask me.
28. Is Peter at work? No, he … (not, to work) today. He feels … (bad) than on Monday.
Is Peter at work? No, he isn’t working today. He feels worse than on Monday.
29. My … (old) daughter … (still, to study) at school.
My older/elder daughter is still studying at school.
30. Martin is … (old) than his cousin.
Martin is older than his cousin.

21. The more you learn, … (smart) you become.The more you learn, the smarter you become.22. These

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