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Reported speech Part 3


“I have won the competition!”Bruce

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Reported speech
Part 3

Reported speechPart 3

Слайд 2“I have won the competition!”

“I have won the competition!”Bruce

Слайд 3Bruce said that he had won the competition.

Bruce said that he had won the competition.

Слайд 4“I have bought a new TV”

“I have bought a new TV”Mason

Слайд 5Mason said that he had bought a new TV.

Mason said that he had bought a new TV.

Слайд 6“We have built the house”

“We have built the house”Jason

Слайд 7Jason said that they had built the house.

Jason said that they had built the house.

Слайд 8“I have set the table”

“I have set the table”Carl

Слайд 9Carl said that he had set the table.

Carl said that he had set the table.

Слайд 10“We were playing the whole evening yesterday”

“We were playing the whole evening yesterday”Sandra

Слайд 11Sandra said that they had been playing the whole evening

the day before.

Sandra said that they had been playing the whole evening the day before.

Слайд 12“Three days ago at this time I was painting a


“Three days ago at this time I was painting a picture.”Luke

Слайд 13Luke said that he had been painting a picture at

that time three days before.

Luke said that he had been painting a picture at that time three days before.

Слайд 14“I was playing with my cat all day long yesterday”

“I was playing with my cat all day long yesterday”Jack

Слайд 15Jack said that he had been playing with his cat

all day long the previous day.

Jack said that he had been playing with his cat all day long the previous day.

Слайд 16“I was watching TV at 10 am yesterday”

“I was watching TV at 10 am yesterday”Albert

Слайд 17Albert said that he had been watching TV at 10

am the day before.

Albert said that he had been watching TV at 10 am the day before.

Слайд 18“I was so sad two days ago”

“I was so sad two days ago”Morgan

Слайд 19Morgan said that he had been so sad two days


Morgan said that he had been so sad two days before.

Слайд 20“I was too busy last week”

“I was too busy last week”Walter

Слайд 21Walter said that he had been too busy the week


Walter said that he had been too busy the week before.

Слайд 22“I was so happy yesterday”

“I was so happy yesterday”Harry

Слайд 23Harry said that he had been so happy the day


Harry said that he had been so happy the day before.

Слайд 24“We have finished to read this book”

“We have finished to read this book”Peter

Слайд 25Peter said that they had finished to read that book.

Peter said that they had finished to read that book.

Слайд 26“I was mopping the floor all day last Friday”

“I was mopping the floor all day last Friday”Freda

Слайд 27Freda said that she had been mopping the floor all

day the previous Friday.

Freda said that she had been mopping the floor all day the previous Friday.

Слайд 28“I was scared yesterday”

“I was scared yesterday”Richard

Слайд 29Richard said that he had been scared the day before.

Richard said that he had been scared the day before.

Слайд 30The end
Created by IrinaZh

The endCreated by IrinaZh

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