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Salty Dough by Guseva Marina

The history of salty doughSince ancient times, people have baked decorative products from dough. The center of the craft is the Arkhangelsk region. Figures from salt dough served as amulets. For

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Salty Dough by Guseva Marina

Salty Dough  by Guseva Marina

Слайд 2The history of salty dough
Since ancient times, people have baked

decorative products from dough. The center of the craft is

the Arkhangelsk region. Figures from salt dough served as amulets. For example, the amulet "Scythe - Domovushka" symbolizes well-being. Weaving means consent, the infinity of the race. Berries symbolize the harvest. Garlic and onions cast out evil spirits. Red pepper is a symbol of men's health. In Germany and Scandinavia, decorations (Easter and Christmas souvenirs from salt dough: medallions, wreaths, rings and horseshoes) bring home owners luck and prosperity. To preserve decorations from eating by mice and insects, a large amount of salt was added to the dough. So there was a salty dough.

It was believed that any piece of salt dough in the house - a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the family and bread and salt will always be on the table.
The history of salty doughSince ancient times, people have baked decorative products from dough. The center of

Слайд 3Prepare the salty dough
1 cup of flour and 1 cup

of salt half cup of water

Prepare the salty dough1 cup of flour and 1 cup of salt    half cup

Слайд 4 1.



Painted by 1.gouaches, 2.watercolors, 3.pearl paints

Рaints are pearlescent, neon and fluorescent

1.         2.

Слайд 5Boats and molds for salty dough

Boats and molds for salty dough

Слайд 6Improvised and special materials (grid, texture sheet) for salty dough

Improvised and special materials (grid, texture sheet) for salty dough

Слайд 7Foil, plastic products for salty dough

Foil, plastic products for salty dough

Слайд 8Hollow toy

Hollow toy

Слайд 9Poppy, beads, threads for saity dough

Poppy, beads, threads for saity dough

Слайд 10Drying salty dough
in the open air

in the oven

Drying salty dough  in the open air

Слайд 11Yacht varnish
Products are covered with yacht varnish

Yacht varnishProducts are covered with yacht varnish

Слайд 12Test
1. What is the center of the craft salty dough?


Test1. What is the center of the craft salty dough?Arkhangelsk regionNovgorodRussiaSmolensk

Слайд 13Test
2. How prepare the salty dough?
1 cup of flour and

1 cup of salt,1 cup of water
1 cup of flour

and half cup of salt,1 cup of water
1 cup of flour and 1cup of salt, half of water

Test2. How prepare the salty dough?1 cup of flour and 1 cup of salt,1 cup of water1

Слайд 14Test
3. What is painted in gouache on the picture?

Test3. What is painted in gouache on the picture?

Слайд 15Test
4. What is shown in the picture?

texture sheet

Test4. What is shown in the picture?MoldBoatgridtexture sheet

Слайд 16Test
5. What is shown in the picture?

texture sheet

Test5. What is shown in the picture?MoldBoatgridtexture sheet

Слайд 17Test
6. What is shown in the picture?

texture sheet

Test6. What is shown in the picture?MoldBoatgridtexture sheet

Слайд 18Test
7. What is shown in the picture?

texture sheet

Test7. What is shown in the picture?MoldBoatgridtexture sheet

Слайд 19Test
8. What is shown in the picture?

Test8. What is shown in the picture?

Слайд 20Test
9. How to dry works from salty dough?

Test9. How to dry works from salty dough?

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