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Salvador Dali. Magical art

This exhibition of the artist in Moscow is the second in ten years — in 2011 . Both of these exhibitions are not only solo, but also biographical-the second one traces

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Salvador Dali. Magical art
January 28 - March 25 2020
the online

version is available on the Moscow 24 portal

Salvador Dali. Magical artJanuary 28 - March 25 2020the online version is available on the Moscow 24

Слайд 2This exhibition of the artist in Moscow is the second

in ten years — in 2011 . Both of these

exhibitions are not only solo, but also biographical-the second one traces the entire creative path of Dali from the impressionist experiences of the early 20s to the return to classical painting in the late 70s.

About what this exhibition

This exhibition of the artist in Moscow is the second in ten years — in 2011 .

Слайд 3Author of the Chupa-Chupa logo and a great provocateur
The Manege

exhibition is designed in such a way that visitors can

trace all the stages of Dali's work. At the entrance, guests are met by the Maestro himself: in a huge photo, he is depicted with a trademark mustache.
Author of the Chupa-Chupa logo and a great provocateurThe Manege exhibition is designed in such a way

Слайд 4 The route of the exhibition
Then visitors will be able

to explore the artist's early experiences in cubism, impressionism and

classical style. They will get acquainted with the abstractions of nuclear-mystical creativity created under the impression of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and will study surrealism, which Dali called the reflection of inner experiences.
The route of the exhibitionThen visitors will be able to explore the artist's early experiences in

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