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Save the Earth! Web Quest

IntroductionYour help is needed. You have been chosen to fulfill a very special and important mission.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Save the Earth!
Web Quest

Save the Earth!Web Quest

Слайд 2

Your help is needed. You

have been chosen to fulfill a very special and important mission. Our planet EARTH is in TROUBLE! It is up to you to make a difference. This task has been created to give you some ideas to start you on your way. You will be given a list of tasks to complete in order to get our planet out of trouble.
IntroductionYour help

Слайд 3Task
Your task is to find out more about the dangers

that threaten our planet, how they affect it, and what

are the steps that should be taken in order to survive? You will be visiting various web sites to help you answer these questions and a few other webs showing guidelines in how to improve your writing.
After completing your research, you will present your findings in a presentation for the class. You will discuss your findings with the class.
Finally, you need to write down a paragraph explaining the dangers that threaten our planet and suggest some solutions in how to preserve it.
TaskYour task is to find out more about the dangers that threaten our planet, how they affect

Слайд 4Process These steps will guide you to do the task:
1. The

following websites will provide you with the needed vocabulary about

2. You have to know more about the dangers that threaten our planet. Visit these links, they will help you to deliver your opinion.
3.What will happen if nothing is done?
Watch the video entitled “Seal the Deal” and complete the sentence ‘if we don’t act now...”
Make up a sentence like these ones
If I could heal the planet, I would...
4. What can we do?
Here are a few ideas to save energy: select three tips and note them down below:

Process These steps will guide you to do the task: 1. The following websites will provide you

Слайд 5 These steps will guide you to do the task:

5. Some advice in writing skills:


This is the time to write down your paragraph. Consider the things that you have learned before.

7. After finishing writing your paragraph, please check it again and again.

8. You may ask your friend's opinion about your paragraph.

9. Submit it.


These steps will guide you  to do the task:     5.

Слайд 6Evaluation
Your work will be assessed based on some points:


Relevancy: Whether or not your paragraph is relevant with the

current issue, source and the topic.

2. Accordance : Whether or not your paragraph successfully conveys the issue.

3. Language: Whether or not your paragraph contains misspelling, grammatical errors and mistakes.

EvaluationYour work will be assessed based on some points: 1. Relevancy: Whether or not your paragraph is

Слайд 7Conclusion
After completing this mission you will have a better understanding

of helping our planet and the environment around us. Hopefully

students will have developed a deeper environmental conscience.
ConclusionAfter completing this mission you will have a better understanding of helping our planet and the environment

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