Разделы презентаций

Slow fashion

ContentsStudies reviewResearch designResultsAreas for further research

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Slow fashion
Aleksandra Gorkovenko
Elisey Chaus

Slow fashionAleksandra GorkovenkoElisey Chaus

Слайд 2Contents
Studies review
Research design
Areas for further research

ContentsStudies reviewResearch designResultsAreas for further research

Слайд 3Studies review
Following principles of consumption are included in definition of

slow fashion (Fletcher, 2007):
Purchase of products that are produced according

to slow production
Buying high-quality and durable clothes
Purchase less and long-term use

Equity Authenticity Localism Exclusivity Functionality

Slow fashion can be defined theoretically through underlying dimensions (Sojin Jung and Byoungho Jin):

Studies reviewFollowing principles of consumption are included in definition of slow fashion (Fletcher, 2007):Purchase of products that

Слайд 4Studies review
How broad the term “Slow fashion” is? How it

can overlap with other lifestyle trends like slow food, conscious

consumption etc.?

How can we define consumers of slow fashion? How can we classify them in different groups?

What is the difference between fast fashion consumers and slow fashion followers?

Studies reviewHow broad the term “Slow fashion” is? How it can overlap with other lifestyle trends like

Слайд 5Contents
Research design
Areas for further research

ContentsIntroductionResearch designResultsAreas for further research

Слайд 6Initial research design
Statistical hypothesis testing
In-depth interview with an one

of the followers
How does he understand the slow fashion movement

in general?
How could he describe the slow fashion consumer and her difference from others?
Why does he consider himself as slow fashion consumers? What does it mean for him to be that person? How has he developed this consumer behavior and what are his buying patterns right now?   
What does he wear? Which products are slow-, fast-fashion produced and why?
In his opinion, what products are purchased by slow fashion consumers? Whether it’s slow fashion production goods only or it could be anything?

The questionnaire from study “From quantity to quality: understanding slow fashion consumers for sustainability and consumer education” and expand it to section with questions which categories respondents never, probably and absolutely would buy as slow-, fast-produced products.

Applying the cluster analysis technique for customer segmentation
Investigation of consumer behavior regarding slow-, and fast-produced goods purchasing for each consumer groups.
Hypotheses rejecting or not rejecting

Initial research designStatistical hypothesis testing SurveyIn-depth interview with an one of the followersHow does he understand the

Слайд 7Interview insights

Interview insights

Слайд 8Updated research scope

Updated research scope

Слайд 9Survey design

Survey design

Слайд 10Contents
Research design
Areas for further research

ContentsIntroductionResearch designResultsAreas for further research

Слайд 11Overview


Слайд 12Cluster 1

Cluster 1

Слайд 13Cluster 1

Cluster 1

Слайд 14Cluster 2

Cluster 2

Слайд 15Cluster 3

Cluster 3

Слайд 16Cluster 4

Cluster 4

Слайд 17Cluster 5

Cluster 5

Слайд 18Contents
Research design
Areas for further research

ContentsIntroductionResearch designResultsAreas for further research

Слайд 19Cluster 5
Findings for further test
Awareness part can be much improved

recommendations for business

Cluster 5Findings for further testAwareness part can be much improvedSome recommendations for business

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