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Social Unrest in Europe

Economic reasons after 2008“Potential for social unrest in EU is higher than anywhere else”, ILO. June, 2013strikes, work stoppages, street protests and demonstration ↑ since 200834% (2006-07) 46% (2011-12) - correlating economic

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Слайд 1Social Unrest in Europe

Social Unrest in Europe

Слайд 2Economic reasons after 2008
“Potential for social unrest in EU is

higher than anywhere else”, ILO. June, 2013
strikes, work stoppages, street

protests and demonstration ↑ since 2008
34% (2006-07) 46% (2011-12) - correlating economic growth and income levels with inflation, unemployment, debt, income inequality


Economic reasons after 2008“Potential for social unrest in EU is higher than anywhere else”, ILO. June, 2013strikes,

Слайд 3German Hospitality
200,000 refugees in 2014
300,000 estimated in 2015
Housing designated, services

mandated, and volunteers offered clothing and services like rides and

free language lessons.
German Hospitality200,000 refugees in 2014300,000 estimated in 2015Housing designated, services mandated, and volunteers offered clothing and services

Слайд 4Anti-islamization VS anti-racism in Germany
Dresden, PEGIDA, "Patriotic Europeans against

the Islamization of the West."
10,000 people chanting anti-immigration and

anti-Islamic slogans.
More people starting to consider Islam as a threat to their society. ISIS.
“immigrants who want to live in Germany permanently should be obliged to speak German both in public and with their families at home”, Christian Social Union party.

15,000 people in Cologne anti -anti-islamization
"We are all standing here to show that this city can display a peaceful side." The mayor of Cologne Juergen Roters told the crowd.
"In the name of the government and the chancellor I can say quite clearly that there is no place in Germany for religious hatred, no matter which religion people belong to," chancellor's spokeswoman, Christiane Wirtz.

Anti-islamization VS anti-racism in Germany Dresden, PEGIDA,

Слайд 5“we will not leave the communities alone to cope”, Horst

Vorra, population 1,000, in northern Bavaria. In December 2014, arsonists

set fire to a renovated shelter just weeks before migrants were to move in. Same attack in Tröglitz, Saxon.
“we will not leave the communities alone to cope”, Horst SeehoferVorra, population 1,000, in northern Bavaria. In

Слайд 6Alysum in UK for Syrians

Alysum in UK for Syrianshttp://rt.com/uk/253045-uk-eu-migrant-protest/

Слайд 7Italians are against immigrants

Italians are against immigrantshttp://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31674709

Слайд 8Anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats
No RACISM http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2010-09-21/swedes-throng-streets-to-protest-against-anti-immigrant-party-in-goverment
Against immigration control http://www.thelocal.se/20130310/46644

Anti-immigrant Sweden Democratshttp://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-09-15/protest-buffets-eu-elites-as-sweden-votes-anti-immigrantNo RACISM http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2010-09-21/swedes-throng-streets-to-protest-against-anti-immigrant-party-in-govermentAgainst immigration control http://www.thelocal.se/20130310/46644

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