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South Asian English

The British first arrived in India in the early 1600s and soon established trading posts in a number of cities under the control of The East India Company. By 1765 the

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1South Asian English may refer to:

Bangladeshi English
Indian English
Nepali English
Pakistani English

Lankan English
South Asian English

South Asian English may refer to:Bangladeshi EnglishIndian EnglishNepali EnglishPakistani EnglishSri Lankan EnglishSouth Asian English

Слайд 2The British first arrived in India in the early 1600s

and soon established trading posts in a number of cities

under the control of The East India Company. By 1765 the Company’s influence had grown to such an extent that the British were effectively controlling most parts of the country. This date is often taken as the start of what is referred to as The Raj — a period of British rule in India that lasted until Independence in 1947.

The origins of English in India

The British first arrived in India in the early 1600s and soon established trading posts in a

Слайд 3Despite continued pressure from nationalists, English remains at the heart

of Indian society. It is widely used in the media,

in Higher Education and government and therefore remains a common means of communication, both among the ruling classes, and between speakers of mutually unintelligible languages. According to recent surveys, approximately 4% of the Indian population use English. That figure might seem insignificant, but out of the total population this represents 35 million speakers — the largest English-speaking community outside the USA and the UK.

English in India today

Despite continued pressure from nationalists, English remains at the heart of Indian society. It is widely used

Слайд 4There are a number of elements that characterise the more

‘extreme’ forms of South Asian English. In terms of pronunciation,

many speakers do not differentiate between the sounds and . They might also replace in words like think and this with a and sound, as no Indian languages contain these consonants. Under the influence of traditional Hindi grammar, speakers often use progressive tenses in statements, such as I am believing you or she is liking music.

Asian influence

There are a number of elements that characterise the more ‘extreme’ forms of South Asian English. In

Слайд 5The table below gives several examples of pronunciations and grammatical

constructions that are typical of speech on the Indian subcontinent.

The left hand column lists each feature, while the second column gives an explanation.
The table below gives several examples of pronunciations and grammatical constructions that are typical of speech on

Слайд 6Asian English Phonology

Asian English Phonology

Слайд 7Asian English Grammar

Asian English Grammar

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