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Тheme 7. The structure and level of scientific knowledge. The methodology of science. The purpose of the lecture: identifying the structure of scientific knowledge, the

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of Science Lecturer: Ainur Abdina - Doctor of philosophical sciences, Associate

Professor of Department of Philosophy

Astana 2018


Слайд 2 Тheme 7. The structure and level of scientific knowledge. The

methodology of science.

The purpose of the lecture: identifying the

structure of scientific knowledge, the analysis of methodology of science.

Тheme 7. The structure and level of scientific knowledge. The methodology of science.

Слайд 3 Plan:

Levels of scientific knowledge.
2. A variety of methods of scientific


Plan: Levels of scientific knowledge.2. A variety of methods of scientific research.

Слайд 4Basic concepts:
Levels of scientific knowledge
Philosophical methods
Scientific methods
Particular methods
Techniques of

scientific research.

Basic concepts:Levels of scientific knowledge Philosophical methodsScientific methodsParticular methodsTechniques of scientific research.

Слайд 5Levels of scientific knowledge
Empirical (sensory) level
Basic forms are sensations, perception

and representation.
Common characteristics of sensory perception are its specificity and

Levels of scientific knowledgeEmpirical (sensory) levelBasic forms are sensations, perception and representation.Common characteristics of sensory perception are

Слайд 6Empirical level
Sensations are the most basic sensory data, a kind

of “atoms" of sensory perception. Typically, they are simple in

sensory modality, i.e., represent a pure sound, color, taste, etc. and, moreover, instant in time.
Empirical levelSensations are the most basic sensory data, a kind of “atoms

Слайд 7Empirical level
Perception is more integrated form of sensory perception, is

a complex of sensations, organized in space and time.
Representations are

higher level of organization of sensory perception, combining a variety of perceptions of time and space. A classic example of the representation is memory.
Empirical levelPerception is more integrated form of sensory perception, is a complex of sensations, organized in space

Слайд 8Levels of scientific knowledge
Theoretical (rational) level
Basic shapes are concepts, judgments

and conclusions.
Main characteristics of rational cognition are abstract and

Levels of scientific knowledgeTheoretical (rational) levelBasic shapes are concepts, judgments and conclusions. Main characteristics of rational cognition

Слайд 9Theoretical (rational) level
Concept - a form of thinking; a thought

on the subject, expressing its essential features.
Each concepts distinguish

two main features - the scope and the meaning.
Scope of the concept is a set of objects, which are indicated by this concept.
The meaning is a set of attributes, which are characterized by the concept in the definition.
Theoretical (rational) levelConcept - a form of thinking; a thought on the subject, expressing its essential features.

Слайд 10Theoretical (rational) level
Judgment is a next form of rational knowledge,

which representing a communication of concepts.
The third form of

rational cognition is a conclusion. This is high level of rational knowledge, which is expressed in relation of set of propositions.
Theoretical (rational) levelJudgment is a next form of rational knowledge, which representing a communication of concepts. The

Слайд 11Metatheoretical level
Metatheoretical level is a highest level of scientific

knowledge, which is a set of principles, norms, ideals that

make up the foundation of scientific theories and science in general, which provide unity and certainty of scientific activity, affect the nature of the emerging theoretical knowledge.
Metatheoretical level Metatheoretical level is a highest level of scientific knowledge, which is a set of principles,

Слайд 12 The structure of scientific knowledge appears as a unity of

the following elements:
1) The actual detection of the objective

laws, drawn from empirical experience;
2) The result of the initial generalizations in terms of;
3) The problem and research hypotheses based on the facts;
4) The laws, principles and theories;
5) The philosophical position;
6) The methods and standards of scientific knowledge;
7) Social cultural basis;
8) Style of thinking.
The structure of scientific knowledge appears as a unity of the following elements:  1) The

Слайд 13Methodology of scientific knowledge
1. General, philosophical methods.
2. Scientific methods.

3. Specific methods.
4. Private techniques.

Methodology of scientific knowledge1. General, philosophical methods. 2. Scientific methods. 3. Specific methods. 4. Private techniques.

Слайд 14General, philosophical methods
Scope of philosophical methods most widely used. Among

the philosophical methods belongs to the dialectical method.

General, philosophical methodsScope of philosophical methods most widely used. Among the philosophical methods belongs to the dialectical

Слайд 15Dialectical method
1. The laws of dialectics
a) the unity and

struggle of opposites;
b) transition from quantitative to qualitative changes;

c) the negation of the negation.
Dialectical method1. The laws of dialectics a) the unity and struggle of opposites; b) transition from quantitative

Слайд 16Dialectical method
2. Philosophical categories:
general, special and individual;

content and form;
essence and phenomenon;

possibility and reality;
necessity and chance;
cause and effect.

Dialectical method2. Philosophical categories:   general, special and individual;   content and form;

Слайд 17Dialectical method
3. Refers to the object of research as

an objective reality.
4. Consider the studied objects and phenomena:

    a) thoroughly;
    b) in the universal connection and interdependence;
    c) continuous change and development;
    g) concretely and historically.
Dialectical method 3. Refers to the object of research as an objective reality. 4. Consider the studied

Слайд 18Scientific methods

All scientific methods for the analysis it is advisable

to distribute into three groups: general logical, theoretical and empirical.

General logical methods include analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy.
Scientific methodsAll scientific methods for the analysis it is advisable to distribute into three groups: general logical,

Слайд 19Scientific methods
The methods of the theoretical level:
axiomatic, hypothetical, formalization, abstraction,

generalization, ascent from the abstract to the concrete, historical, method

of system analysis.
Scientific methodsThe methods of the theoretical level:axiomatic, hypothetical, formalization, abstraction, generalization, ascent from the abstract to the

Слайд 20Scientific methods
The methods of empirical level:
observation, description,

measurement, comparison, experiment, modeling.

Scientific methodsThe methods of empirical level:   observation, description, measurement, comparison, experiment, modeling.

Слайд 21Specific methods
Special methods specific to individual sciences or practice areas.

These are the methods of chemistry or physics, biology or

mathematics, or metalworking methods of construction.
Specific methodsSpecial methods specific to individual sciences or practice areas. These are the methods of chemistry or

Слайд 22Private techniques
A special group of methods form a methods, which

are receptions and ways produced for solving some special, private

problems. Choosing the right techniques - an essential condition for the success of the study.
Private techniquesA special group of methods form a methods, which are receptions and ways produced for solving

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