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Subculture rockers

History of the name subcultureWord rockers, originally served to determine the British youth in Britain in the sixties of the last century, which allowed herself very disrespectful to dissect the roads

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Слайд 1Subculture rockers

Subculture rockers

Слайд 2History of the name subculture
Word rockers, originally served to determine

the British youth in Britain in the sixties of the

last century, which allowed herself very disrespectful to dissect the roads on motorcycles.
History of the name subcultureWord rockers, originally served to determine the British youth in Britain in the

Слайд 3Provenance the subculture
Rockers - representatives of the subculture that originated

in the late 50's to early 60's in the UK.

At that time - young people, famously leaping through the streets on motorcycles. That love of high-speed driving, and later to rock music contributed to the spread of a new subculture. Rockers very recognizable in society in appearance: the most important attribute in rockers: motorcycle, bike or rather, black clothes with different "glands"
Provenance the subcultureRockers - representatives of the subculture that originated in the late 50's to early 60's

Слайд 4Favorite music
Rockers appeared as a subculture in an era of

rock 'n' roll, representatives of the music and style which

became Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley early, Gene Vincent, and others.
In our country has evolved Russian rock, which is referred to the representatives of the "Alice", "DDT", "Cinema", "Nautilus Pompilius", "Time Machine" and others.
Favorite musicRockers appeared as a subculture in an era of rock 'n' roll, representatives of the music

Слайд 5

Gene Vincent

Elvis Presley

Chuck Berry

Gene Vincent           Elvis Presley

Слайд 7Our favourite musical performers

Our favourite musical performers

Слайд 8Over time, the subculture rockers divided into separate species, new

rock direction of "light" (pop-rock, Britpop) to "severe" (heavy metal,

punk rock), and even aggressive (death metal, grindcore )
Over time, the subculture rockers divided into separate species, new rock direction of

Слайд 9Clothing rockers
In the style of this subculture dominated by features

of brutality that is achieved by using denim and leather.

Their clothes are very comfortable and practical. For example, a leather motorcycle jacket, or "black leather jackets" - a mandatory attribute rocker costume. It is decorated with rivets, studs, pins, chains and stripes. Rockers prefer a motorcycle helmet, leather cap, bandana. In the wardrobe of every self-respecting rocker occur leather pants or jeans.
Clothing rockersIn the style of this subculture dominated by features of brutality that is achieved by using

Слайд 11Аccessories
Rocker is alien body jewelry accessories, mostly of white metal

and leather - rings, chains, bracelets, wristbands, belts with different

Celtic symbols and images of animals.
АccessoriesRocker is alien body jewelry accessories, mostly of white metal and leather - rings, chains, bracelets, wristbands,

Слайд 12Hairstyles rockers
Usually men prefer long hair, loose or gathered in

the "horse" tail. Popular short haircuts and rockers, where the

hair of different lengths are placed in the "thorns", the Iroquois, greased back hair, or simply raised up cosmetics.
Hairstyles rockersUsually men prefer long hair, loose or gathered in the

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