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Subject: " The VND types, the doctrine of Nominative of Pavlov about I and II


Doctors, the scientists who are simply conceiving of people always features of behavior of the person interested. Now there is a large number of classifications of types of nervous activity at

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Слайд 1Subject: " The VND types, the doctrine of Nominative of

Pavlov about I and II alarm systems".
1. The doctrine of

Nominative of Pavlov about a conditioned reflex.
2 . Characteristic of conditioned reflexes.
3 . Technique of development of conditioned reflexes.
4 . Difference of conditioned reflexes from the unconditional.
5 . Types of conditioned reflexes, dynamic stereotype.
6 . Temporary communication – a basis of a conditioned reflex,
education mechanisms.
7 . Analitiko-sintetichesky activity of bark

Слайд 2Doctors, the scientists who are simply conceiving of people always

features of behavior of the person interested.

Now there is

a large number of classifications of types of nervous activity at the heart of which the various principles lie.

We will stop on main of them. It should be noted that it is possible to define the VND type of any person only in the most general terms.

Doctors, the scientists who are simply conceiving of people always features of behavior of the person interested.

Слайд 3Modern ideas of the VND types are substantially identified with

four types of human temperament allocated still with Ancient Greek

doctor Hippocrates (ІV in B.C.) on the basis of supervision over behavior of people.
The choleric;
The melancholic;
The Flegmatichesky;
The sanguine.

Modern ideas of the VND types are substantially identified with four types of human temperament allocated still

Слайд 4Nominative Pavlov, studying development and fixing of conditioned reflexes at

dogs, I defined that an important role in formation like

nervous activity is played by properties of cortical processes: FORCE, STEADINESS, MOBILITY.
Force is degree of expressiveness of processes of excitement and braking.
Steadiness – a ratio of processes of excitement and braking in total amount of biological reactions.
Mobility – the speed of emergence and speed of change of processes of excitement and braking.
Taking into account these properties of Nominative Pavlov allocated four VND types.
Nominative Pavlov, studying development and fixing of conditioned reflexes at dogs, I defined that an important role

Слайд 6Live type - strong, counterbalanced and mobile.
It is characterized by

big energy, force, mobility.
Corresponds to sanguine type according to Hippocrates.

Live type - strong, counterbalanced and mobile.It is characterized by big energy, force, mobility.Corresponds to sanguine type

Слайд 7The quiet – strong, counterbalanced, inactive.
It is characterized by

the sufficient force of processes of excitement and braking, their

rather low mobility.
Corresponds to flegmatichesky type according to Hippocrates.
The quiet – strong, counterbalanced, inactive. It is characterized by the sufficient force of processes of excitement

Слайд 8The impetuous – strong, unbalanced, mobile,
with prevalence of processes

of excitement.
Corresponds to choleric type according to Hippocrates.

The impetuous – strong, unbalanced, mobile, with prevalence of processes of excitement.Corresponds to choleric type according to

Слайд 9Weak (inert) – unbalanced, inactive with prevalence of brake process

over exciting.
Corresponds to melancholic type according to Hippocrates.

Weak (inert) – unbalanced, inactive with prevalence of brake process over exciting. Corresponds to melancholic type according

Слайд 10The VND types are formed on a basis as genotype,

and phenotype, i.e. on genetically put features of nervous system

all variety of influences of education, conditions of environment, situations in which there is an organism is imposed.
The VND types are formed on a basis as genotype, and phenotype, i.e. on genetically put features

Слайд 11Nominative Pavlov created the doctrine about the first and second

alarm systems.
The first alarm system is visual, acoustical

and other sensual signals which proceed from world around and the internal environment of an organism. It is the general for the person and animals.
The second alarm system – verbal, inherent only to the person. As its signals words said, heard, read serve. By means of the word transition from a sensual image of the first alarm system to representations of the second alarm system is carried out.
Nominative Pavlov created the doctrine about the first and second alarm systems.   The first alarm

Слайд 12At children by first year of life opportunity to react

to words which replace various signals intensively develops.

The word

becomes ekivalenty the signals perceived by sense organs.

The word becomes a signal of signals.
At children by first year of life opportunity to react to words which replace various signals intensively

Слайд 13The word does the person by the member of society.

The person becomes a being social.

The word played a

huge role in development of labor activity, accumulation of experience and knowledge in process of human society.
The word does the person by the member of society. The person becomes a being social. The

Слайд 14In temporal shares there is a touch center of speech

(the center to Vernika). At destruction of this zone of

people hears, but doesn't understand value of that hears.

In a frontal lobe of the left hemisphere is the motor center (Brock), at his destruction of people loses ability to speak, but understands when to it address orally or in writing.
In temporal shares there is a touch center of speech (the center to Vernika). At destruction of

Слайд 15
Pavlov allocated with nominative the VND specific types inherent in

the person in connection with existence of speech (ІІ-y alarm

system), its cogitative and creative activity.

Pavlov allocated with nominative the VND specific types inherent in the person in connection with existence of

Слайд 16The first type – art.
People with a pronounced visual

and acoustical susceptibility of environment, i.e. prevalence І - oh

alarm system, the concrete, figurative thinking (in the most part it is artists and musicians) is expressed.
The first type – art. People with a pronounced visual and acoustical susceptibility of environment, i.e. prevalence

Слайд 17
The second type – cogitative. Differs tendency to logical and

abstaktny thinking, prevalence ІІ-oh alarm system (scientists, philosophers, mathematics).

The second type – cogitative. Differs tendency to logical and abstaktny thinking, prevalence ІІ-oh alarm system (scientists,

Слайд 18
The third type - mixed.
Properties of perception of environment

and thinking are expressed to the same extent.

The third type - mixed. Properties of perception of environment and thinking are expressed to the same

Слайд 19VND specific types. And - average type I сс =II

сс B – art I сс> II сс In -

cogitative I сс
VND specific types.  And - average type I сс =II сс B – art I сс>

Слайд 20
To speak about the special mental abilities connected with the

VND separate types it isn't necessary since talented people meet

manifestation of characteristics of all VND types.

On the other hand, it is possible to speak about individual predisposition of each person to one of the VND types.
To speak about the special mental abilities connected with the VND separate types it isn't necessary since

Слайд 21The left and right hemispheres are responsible for different functions,

i.e. there is a mezhpolusharny asymmetry.
The left hemisphere (partially dominating):

Verbal perception (verbal);
Temporary relations;
Analysis of incentives;
Consecutive perception;
Abstract thinking;
Right hemisphere:
-Nonverbal perception (visual);
-Spatial relations;
-Synthetic activity.
-Simultaneous perception;
- Concrete thinking.
The left and right hemispheres are responsible for different functions, i.e. there is a mezhpolusharny asymmetry.The left

Слайд 22Memory – accumulation, storage, processing and vosprozvedeny information.
1. Types of

2. The specific;
3. The individual.
4. The short-term;
5. The long-term;
6. The

7. The logical;
8. The touch;
The emotional.
Memory consists of 3 processes:
1. Storing;
2. Preservation;
3. Reproduction.
Memory levels:
1. The reproducing – the highest level;
2. The identifying;
3. The facilitating.
Memory – accumulation, storage, processing and vosprozvedeny information.1. Types of memory:2. The specific;3. The individual.4. The short-term;5.

Слайд 24Memory theories

1 . Conditioned-reflex;
2 . Theory neural models;
3 . Associative;

. Chemical;

Memory theories1 . Conditioned-reflex;2 . Theory neural models;3 . Associative;4 . Chemical;

Слайд 26Subject: " Dream, dreams. Emotions. Motivations".

1 . Dream, types of

a dream.
2 . Dream mechanisms.
3 . Emotions. Classification of emotions.

. Theories of emotions.
5 . Motivations.
6 . Architecture of the complete behavioural act.

Слайд 27Dream – a condition of an organism which is characterized

by considerable decrease in all functions of an organism, partial

shutdown of consciousness.
Types of a dream:
1 . Physiological dream:
- polyphase dream at children;
- monophase dream at adults;
- seasonal dream;
2 . Hypnotic dream.
3 . Pathological dream:
- narcotic dream;
- somnambolizm (sleepwalking);
- lethargical sleep.

Dream – a condition of an organism which is characterized by considerable decrease in all functions of

Слайд 28The physiological dream consists of two alternating phases:
- slow or

orthodox dream:
REM or paradoxical sleep (15-20%).

The physiological dream consists of two alternating phases:- slow or orthodox dream:REM or paradoxical sleep (15-20%).

Слайд 29Dream stages:
1 . Somnolence - disappearance a rhythm alpha, 1-7

2 . Emergence of sleepy spindles on EEG – to

50% of a dream.
3 . Emergence delta flounce, 20%.
4 . Paradoxical dream – a beta a rhythm, flashes an alpha of a rhythm, BDG.
Dream stages:1 . Somnolence - disappearance a rhythm alpha, 1-7 min.2 . Emergence of sleepy spindles on

Слайд 30Dream theories:
1 . Humoral;
2 . The theory of the poured

braking of Nominative of Pavlov.
3 . V. Gess's theory.
4 .

Theory of information deficiency.

Dream theories:1 . Humoral;2 . The theory of the poured braking of Nominative of Pavlov.3 . V.

Слайд 31
Dreams – always accompany a dream and are more often

connected with a phase of a paradoxical dream.

I.M.Setchenov characterized them

as "unknown combinations of skilled impressions".
Dreams – always accompany a dream and are more often connected with a phase of a paradoxical

Слайд 32Emotion (I induce, I excite) – a physiological condition having

in pronounced subjective coloring, is a component of motivations.

Distinguish concepts:

. Emotional stress.
2 . Affect.
3 . Mood.

Classification of emotions:
1 . Positive, negative;
2 . The highest, the lowest.
3 . Sthenic, asthenic.
Emotion (I induce, I excite) – a physiological condition having in pronounced subjective coloring, is a component

Слайд 33Emotion theories:
1 . C.Darvina's theory (instinctive action);
2 . P.K.Anokhin's biological

3 . P. V. Simonov's information theory.

= П (requirement) x (Ying – Is);
Ying – necessary information,
Ис – existing information.
4 . G.I.Kositskogo's theory.
Э = C (Ying En Vn – Is Es Vs)
Ying En Vn – necessary information, energy, time
Is Es Vs – existing information, energy, time.
5 . Central theory.
6 . Korkovo – the subcrustal theory.
Emotion theories:1 . C.Darvina's theory (instinctive action);2 . P.K.Anokhin's biological theory.3 . P. V. Simonov's information theory.

Слайд 36Motivations are the emotionally painted aspirations of the person and

animals to satisfaction of leading requirements.

Motivations leads to purposeful search


Interests – emotional manifestation of informative need of the person.

Types of motivations:
1 . The lowest (biological, vitalny).
2 . The highest:
- the social.
- the ideal.
Motivations are the emotionally painted aspirations of the person and animals to satisfaction of leading requirements.Motivations leads

Слайд 37Behavioural act
Basis of the behavioural act is the functional system

(FS) of P.K.Anokhin.

Behavioural actBasis of the behavioural act is the functional system (FS) of P.K.Anokhin.

Слайд 38The behavioural act includes:
1 . Afferentny synthesis;
2 . Decision;
3 .

Program of action and action acceptor;
4 . Efferent synthesis (action,

result of action, result parameters - the return afferentation).
The behavioural act includes:1 . Afferentny synthesis;2 . Decision;3 . Program of action and action acceptor;4 .

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