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Teacher : Svetlana smirnova Dafed shivaraj 196b Topic: entamoeba histolytica

Entamoeba histolyticaEntamoeba histolytica is a common parasite in the large intestine of humans .certain other primates and some other animals many cases are asymptomatic except in humans or among animals living

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Teacher : Svetlana smirnova
Dafed shivaraj 196b
Topic: entamoeba histolytica

Teacher : Svetlana smirnovaDafed shivaraj 196bTopic: entamoeba histolytica

Слайд 2Entamoeba histolytica
Entamoeba histolytica is a common parasite in the large

intestine of humans .certain other primates and some other animals

many cases are asymptomatic except in humans or among animals living under stress(e.g.zooheld primates).
Entamoeba histolyticaEntamoeba histolytica is a common parasite in the large intestine of humans .certain other primates and

Слайд 3Scientific classification
Kingdom :Animalia Subkingdom:protozoa Phylum :sacromastigophora Class:lobozea Species : Entamoeba histolytica

Scientific classificationKingdom :Animalia
Phylum :sacromastigophora
Species : Entamoeba histolytica

Слайд 4Geographical distribution

Geographical distributionCosmopolitan

Слайд 5Morphology
Three stages are encontered : the active amoeba , inactive

cyst, intermediate precyst

MorphologyThree stages are encontered : the active amoeba , inactive cyst, intermediate precyst

Слайд 6Vegatative form or trophozoite
The ameboid trophozoite is the only form

present in tissues.it is also found in fluid feces during

amebic dysentery its size is 15to 30 nm the cytoplasm is granular and may contain red cells .but ordinarily contains no bacteria.iron hematoxylin or whatleys trichome staining shows nuclear membrane to be lined by fine regular granules of chromatin.
Vegatative form or trophozoiteThe ameboid trophozoite is the only form present in tissues.it is also found in

Слайд 7Mature cyst
Life Cycle. Cysts and trophozoites are passed in feces (1). Cysts are typically

found in formed stool, whereas trophozoites are typically found in

diarrheal stool. Infection by Entamoeba histolytica occurs by ingestion of mature cysts (2) in fecally contaminated food, water, or hands.
Mature cystLife Cycle. Cysts and trophozoites are passed in feces (1). Cysts are typically found in formed stool, whereas trophozoites are

Слайд 8Life cycle

Life cycle

Слайд 9The parasite lives in the large intestine mainly in the

caecum Man is infected by swallowing mature cyst
Cysts resist the acidity

of the stomach and hatch in the intestine
4 nucleated amoeba come out The nuclei ultimately divide giving 8 small trophozoites.
The trophozoite may invade the mucosa by action of a histolytica enzyme.
The parasite lives in the large intestine mainly in the caecum
Man is infected by swallowing mature cystCysts

Слайд 10Pathogenecity


Слайд 11E. histolytica, as its name suggests (histo–lytic = tissue destroying), is pathogenic;

infection can be asymptomatic or can lead to amoebic dysentery

or amoebic liver abscess. Symptoms can include fulminating dysentery, bloody diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue, abdominal pain, and amoeboma.
E. histolytica, as its name suggests (histo–lytic = tissue destroying), is pathogenic; infection can be asymptomatic or can lead

Слайд 12What are the factors affecting the pathogenicity of an amoeboid

The major virulence factors are adhesins, toxins, amoebapores, and proteases, which

lead to the lysis, death, and destruction of a variety of cells and tissues in the host. Because of their relevance to amoebic pathogenesis, proteolytic enzymes are of particular interest.
What are the factors affecting the pathogenicity of an amoeboid parasite?The major virulence factors are adhesins, toxins, amoebapores,

Слайд 13Diagnosis


Слайд 14Diagnosis
Diagnosis in most cases rests on the characterstics of the

cyst since trophozoite usually appear only in diarrheic faeces in

the active cases and survive for only few hours though they may be excnyelly preserved in poly vinal alcohol.(pva)
DiagnosisDiagnosis in most cases rests on the characterstics of the cyst since trophozoite usually appear only in

Слайд 15Stool examination
Direct smear unstained or stained with iodine Concentration method as

zinc sulphate centrifugal floation.

Stool examinationDirect smear unstained or stained with iodine
Concentration method as zinc sulphate centrifugal floation.

Слайд 16Serological methods
Serological tests are negative in asymptomatic cyst passers

suggesting that tissue invasions is required for antibody production.
Serologic results should

be used as an aid in diagnosis and should not be interpreted as diagnostic by themselves. Direct detection of Entamoeba histolytica in stool specimens is recommended to diagnose intestinal amebiasis.
Serological methods Serological tests are negative in asymptomatic cyst passers suggesting that tissue invasions is required for

Слайд 17Prevention and control
Improved sanitation will help to reduce the

liklihood of transmission. Travelers to endemic areas can reduce the

risk of infection by drinking bottled water, not using ice cubes in drinks, and washing fruits and vegetables with clean water (or by peeling them yourself).
Prevention and control
PREVENTION and CONTROLImproved sanitation will help to reduce the liklihood of transmission. Travelers to endemic areas

Слайд 19What is the best cure for Amoebiasis?
Metronidazole is the drug of

choice for symptomatic, invasive disease; paromomycin is the drug of

choice for noninvasive disease. Because parasites persist in the intestines of 40-60% of patients treated with metronidazole, this drug should be followed with paromomycin to cure luminal infection.
What is the best cure for Amoebiasis?Metronidazole is the drug of choice for symptomatic, invasive disease; paromomycin is

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