Разделы презентаций

Teaching vocabulary in Exam classes

Points to considerCommon obstacles to effective use of vocabularyPhrasal Verbs in context Vocabulary in Use of English and Reading exam tasksVocabulary playgrounds – take your time and digest it

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Teaching vocabulary in Exam classes
Чекчурина Ольга Юрьевна
Лаборатория Иностранных Языков

Teaching vocabulary in Exam classesЧекчурина Ольга ЮрьевнаЛаборатория Иностранных ЯзыковНовосибирск

Слайд 2Points to consider
Common obstacles to effective use of vocabulary
Phrasal Verbs

in context
Vocabulary in Use of English and Reading exam

Vocabulary playgrounds – take your time and digest it

Points to considerCommon obstacles to effective use of vocabularyPhrasal Verbs in context Vocabulary in Use of English

Слайд 3 Common mistakes and obstacles to effective use of vocabulary
Too cautious

- stay at their ‘plateau’ http://www.cityandguildsenglish.com/sample_videos_b1 Achiever level B1

http://www.cityandguildsenglish.com/sample_videos_c2 C2 Fail –synonyms –collocations-word families –intensifiers-…?
Know and are competent at relevant lexis but don’t apply this in the exam
Are afraid of phrasal verbs
Have not spent enough time in the ‘ vocabulary sandpit’
Common mistakes and obstacles to effective use of vocabulary Too cautious - stay at their ‘plateau’

Слайд 4‘Vocabulary storm’ technique
New lexis is introduced through
Rather than translation

‘Vocabulary storm’ techniqueNew lexis is introduced throughSynonyms/anthonymsDefinitionsExamples Rather than translation

Слайд 5Intensive vocabulary recycling

Intensive vocabulary recycling

Слайд 6Boost your Phrasal Verbs in context

Boost your Phrasal Verbs in context

Слайд 7Juggling vocabulary work and exam preparation

Juggling vocabulary work and exam preparation

Слайд 9Vocabulary ‘Sandpit’

Vocabulary ‘Sandpit’www.bookshop247.com

Слайд 10To recapitulate …..(Judy from “Daddy Long Legs” by Jean Webster)

To recapitulate …..(Judy from “Daddy Long Legs” by Jean Webster)

Слайд 11www.bookshop247.com


Слайд 12В режиме онлайн
Словари и ресурсы с сайтов
группы компаний ИНЯЗ

сайт группы компаний ИНЯЗ

В режиме онлайнСловари и ресурсы с сайтов группы компаний ИНЯЗ www.bookshop247.com сайт группы компаний ИНЯЗ

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