Разделы презентаций

Tell about these people


Look and Say Yes or NO

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Tell about these people

Tell about these people

Слайд 6Look and Say Yes or NO

Look and Say Yes or NO

Слайд 7The boy is on the cat

The boy is on the cat

Слайд 8The TV is red

The TV is red

Слайд 9The photo is under the flowers

The photo is under the flowers

Слайд 10The boy has got a yellow T-shirt

The boy has got a yellow T-shirt

Слайд 11The radio is under the table

The radio is under the table

Слайд 12The phone is under the table

The phone is under the table

Слайд 13The window is closed

The window is closed

Слайд 14The window is closed

The window is closed

Слайд 15There are five bananas

There are five bananas

Слайд 16There are four planes

There are four planes

Слайд 17The doll is next to the girl

The doll is next to the girl

Слайд 18The books are under the bed

The books are under the bed

Слайд 19The blue guitar is in the box

The blue guitar is in the box

Слайд 20The boy is sleeping

The boy is sleeping

Слайд 21The boy has got a rabbit

The boy has got a rabbit

Слайд 22The snake is next to the box

The snake is next to the box

Слайд 23The boy is happy

The boy is happy

Слайд 24The girl has got a car

The girl has got a car

Слайд 25There are three kites

There are three kites

Слайд 26The robot is next to the kite

The robot is next to the kite

Слайд 27The dad has got long hair

The dad has got long hair

Слайд 28Let’s learn the words

Let’s learn the words

Слайд 40Say the words one
more time

Say the words one more time

Слайд 43What is missing?

What is missing?

Слайд 53Let’s write the words

Let’s write the words (Wordwall)

Слайд 54+Fish can swim
- Fish can’t read
Can fish write?
Yes, it

No, it can’t

+Fish can swim- Fish can’t read Can fish write?Yes, it canNo, it can’t

Слайд 55Write in your copybooks

Write in your copybooks

Слайд 56Can
+ He can jump
- They can’t draw
? Can she sing?


she can No, she can’t

Can+ He can jump- They can’t draw? Can she sing?Yes, she can     No,

Слайд 57Let’s make sentences

Let’s make sentences

Слайд 58Can
+ He can jump
- They can’t draw
? Can she sing?


draw +
you/ jump -
they/ sing ?
Emma/ sit +
we/ sing -

sister/read +

Ben/ draw ?

we/ read -

she/ write -

he/draw +

we/play tennis ?

Jack/fly -

Can+ He can jump- They can’t draw? Can she sing?he/ draw +you/ jump -they/ sing ?Emma/ sit

Слайд 59Let’s listen to the text
and read it

Let’s listen to the text and read it

Слайд 61Wordwall
Unjumble the sentences

Wordwall Unjumble the sentences

Слайд 62H/w

1)learn the words (учить слова)
2) прописи ст.
3) WB p.

H/w1)learn the words (учить слова)2) прописи ст.3) WB p.

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