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The Circus!

The circus is in town for the weekend. Let’s go!

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The Circus!

The  Circus!

Слайд 3The circus is in town for the weekend. Let’s go!

The circus is in town for the weekend. Let’s go!

Слайд 5There was a clown at my birthday party. He made

everyone laugh.

There was a clown at my birthday party. He made everyone laugh.

Слайд 6lion tamer

lion tamer

Слайд 7The brave lion tamer makes the lions do tricks.

The brave lion tamer makes the lions do tricks.

Слайд 8ringmaster


Слайд 9The circus ringmaster wears a big hat on his head.

The circus ringmaster wears a big hat on his head.

Слайд 10juggler


Слайд 11The clown can juggle 10 balls at once!

The clown can juggle 10 balls at once!

Слайд 12trapeze


Слайд 13I watched a woman swing on the trapeze.

I watched a woman swing on the trapeze.

Слайд 14tightrope walking

tightrope walking

Слайд 15She can juggle and tightrope walk at the same time!

She can juggle and tightrope walk at the same time!

Слайд 16acrobat


Слайд 17Acrobats can walk on a tightrope or swing on a


Acrobats can walk on a tightrope or swing on a trapeze.

Слайд 18audience


Слайд 19The audience clapped loudly at the circus.

The audience clapped loudly at the circus.

Слайд 21Clown
Lion tamer

ClownLion tamerRingmasterAcrobat

Слайд 22Juggler
Tightrope walking

JugglerTightrope walking

Слайд 23Audience


Слайд 24Audience
Tightrope walking

AudienceTightrope walkingRingmasterCircus

Слайд 26Chatterbox
A: What do you like at the circus?
B: I

like the acrobats.

ChatterboxA: What do you like at the circus? B: I like the acrobats.

Слайд 27Chatterbox
A: What does your father do?
B: My father is a


ChatterboxA: What does your father do?B: My father is a ringmaster.

Слайд 28Chatterbox
A: What do you want to be?
B: I want to

be a lion tamer.

ChatterboxA: What do you want to be?B: I want to be a lion tamer.

Слайд 29What do you want to be?
I want to be a

clown, lion tamer, ringmaster, acrobat, juggler

What do you want to be?I want to be a ________.clown, lion tamer, ringmaster, acrobat, juggler

Слайд 30What do you like at the circus?
I like the ________.

lion tamers, ringmaster, acrobats, jugglers, parade, trapeze walking

What do you like at the circus?I like the ________.clowns, lion tamers, ringmaster, acrobats, jugglers, parade, trapeze

Слайд 31Pictionary!
On the board, I will draw a picture, and you

have to guess what it is. The first person to

guess wins a point and is the next to draw.
Pictionary!On the board, I will draw a picture, and you have to guess what it is. The

Слайд 32A Day at the Circus - Questions
1. What is a

2. What can a juggler do?
3. What can acrobats do?

Can you play with animals at the circus? Why or why not?

5. What happens at the parade?

A Day at the Circus - Questions1. What is a circus?2. What can a juggler do?3. What

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