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The effect of Smoking on pregnancy and the fetus

Smoking is a bad habit. So many women, who carries a child, find the strength to give up cigarettes. But, unfortunately, more of those whose nicotine dependence is stronger

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Слайд 1Презентация на тему: «The effect of Smoking on pregnancy and

the fetus»

Презентация на тему:  «The effect of Smoking on pregnancy and the fetus»

Слайд 2 Smoking is a bad habit. So many women,

who carries a child, find the strength to give up

cigarettes. But, unfortunately, more of those whose nicotine dependence is stronger than the desire to have a healthy baby.
Smoking is a bad habit. So many women, who carries a child, find the strength

Слайд 321 fact about the dangers of Smoking during pregnancy.
Placenta Smoking

pregnant women are more subtle.
In smokers during pregnancy increased the

risk of detachment of the placenta, its a massive heart attack and presentation.
21 fact about the dangers of Smoking during pregnancy.Placenta Smoking pregnant women are more subtle.In smokers during

Слайд 4Maternal Smoking provokes oxygen starvation of the fetus and, as

a consequence, the delay of its prenatal development.

Maternal Smoking provokes oxygen starvation of the fetus and, as a consequence, the delay of its prenatal

Слайд 5Women who smoked during pregnancy, there are cases of intrauterine

fetal death. Early miscarriages occur in 1.7 times more often

than non-smokers.

Women who smoked during pregnancy, there are cases of intrauterine fetal death. Early miscarriages occur in 1.7

Слайд 6Smoking is fraught with sudden death syndrome in the newborn,

and the risk of death of the child increases by

2.5 times.
The occurrence of preterm birth is in direct dependence on the number of daily smoked woman of cigarettes.
Smoking is fraught with sudden death syndrome in the newborn, and the risk of death of the

Слайд 7The amount of carbon monoxide in the blood of the

fetus is 10-15 times greater than that of Smoking mothers.

Smoking the body receives the radioactive isotope polonium, capable of hitting emerging from fetal germ cells, especially for women.
The amount of carbon monoxide in the blood of the fetus is 10-15 times greater than that

Слайд 8Smoking during pregnancy is dangerous because the fetus gets one

of the most poisonous alkaloids - nerve poison nicotine and

also other nerve poison - benzidine. They accumulate in the nervous tissue of the unborn child, in his heart, the kidneys and the tonsils.
Smoking during pregnancy is dangerous because the fetus gets one of the most poisonous alkaloids - nerve

Слайд 9Smoking during pregnancy provokes the birth of premature babies.
The children

born to women who smoke, are characterized by slow physical,

intellectual and emotional development. Compared with children born to Smoking mothers, they later begin to read and count.
Smoking during pregnancy provokes the birth of premature babies.The children born to women who smoke, are characterized

Слайд 10Smoking pregnant woman can cause her spontaneous abortion.
Nicotine addiction is

one of the reasons for the birth of children with

heart defects.
Smoking pregnant woman can cause her spontaneous abortion.Nicotine addiction is one of the reasons for the birth

Слайд 11Kurama mother runs the risk that each cigarette you smoke

adversely affects the process of Foundation and development of the

neural tube of the unborn child, leading to the birth of anencephalus, infants with congenital anomalies, mental development, with a wolf's mouth and cleft lip.
Kurama mother runs the risk that each cigarette you smoke adversely affects the process of Foundation and

Слайд 12Smoking during pregnancy contributes to the appearance of defects fingers

limbs in newborns: no fingers, fused or extra fingers or

Toxic effects of nicotine on the unborn child is one of the causes of down syndrome. Its harmful effects increases with age of the mother.
Smoking during pregnancy contributes to the appearance of defects fingers limbs in newborns: no fingers, fused or

Слайд 14Smoking significantly reduces the ability of the pregnant woman's body

to metabolize the b vitamins, vitamin C .Their deficit is

recognised on the impaired development of the Central nervous system of the fetus.
Newborns whose mothers smoked during pregnancy have reduced adaptive capacity. Such children have a higher risk of various diseases.
Smoking significantly reduces the ability of the pregnant woman's body to metabolize the b vitamins, vitamin C

Слайд 15Maternal Smoking increases the risk of cancerous tumors in the

Smoking women are 2.2 times more likely children are born

weighing less than 2 500 grams.
Maternal Smoking increases the risk of cancerous tumors in the fetus.Smoking women are 2.2 times more likely

Слайд 16Children born to Smoking mothers often suffer from diseases of

the respiratory system. There is a risk that in the

early stages of life they may stop breathing during repeated inhalation of tobacco smoke.
Children born to Smoking mothers often suffer from diseases of the respiratory system. There is a risk

Слайд 17Smoking during pregnancy - a dubious pleasure. It may cost

the life of an unborn child.

Smoking during pregnancy - a dubious pleasure. It may cost the life of an unborn child.

Слайд 18Only smoked one cigarette during pregnancy causes 20-30 minute spasm of

the uterine vessels with slow uteroplacental blood flow.

Only smoked one cigarette during pregnancy causes 20-30 minute spasm of the uterine vessels with slow uteroplacental

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